Prin aceasta postare intentionez sa fac putin lobby unui magazin care imi este extrem de drag si care, din nefericire, nu mai exista in Timisoara, desi aici l-am „intalnit” printre primele dati: BSB Fashion. Am profitat de cele trei saptamani petrecute la Constanta si mi-am achizitionat cateva piese la preturi reduse (asa cum am facut in fiecare vara in ultimii 13-15 ani 😮 ), intorcandu-ma „emotional” in timp vreo 10 anisori, la vremuri cand, finalul de luna (dupa intrarea „renumeratiei” pe card 🙂 ) ma gasea mot-cocot la intrarea magazinului de care va povestesc, iar fetele recunoscandu-ma, incepeau sa scoata de pe rafturi piesele chic-oase, „asortabile” stilului meu. Vorbesc de vremuri cand moda era inca un subiect destul de „obscur”, cand nu existau blog-uri , Pinterest sau Instagram, cand Facebook-ul era in epoca incipienta, cand inca Hi5-ul (mai stiti site-ul ala? 😮 ) detinea monopolul in materie de socializare online si cand cele mai tari magazine din mall-urile romanesti erau Zara si Mango.
Acestea fiind vremurile,  magazinul BSB (a mai existat unul de factura asemanatoare numit Polo Garage, care intre timp a disparut complet de pe piata…) s-a remarcat prin piese iesite din tipare, neconventionale, cu enorm potential „fashion”. Va marturisesc ca am haine de la acest brand cumparate acum 14 ani (de exemplu geanta pe care o vedeti in aceasta postare), care desi nu sunt „clasice”, sunt purtabile si „mixabile” in look-uri specifice lui 2017. Concluzie? Hai cu BSB-ul la Timisoara!! Va rog!! 🙂
Mai exista „pe vremea mea” 🙂 un magazin, care defileaza cu multa mandrie si astazi, de care sunt iremediabil indragostita. Este un magazin nu foarte frecventat, motivele mergand de la faptul ca preturile sunt usor intimidante, pana la faptul ca multa lume il considera „batranicios”. Inainte sa va spun despre ce brand este vorba, va intreb cu sinceritate, daca incaltarile si pantalonii pe care ii vedeti in poza de mai sus, vi se par „batranicioase”, „babificante”. 🙂 Sunt epitete „mauriciene” – Maurice Munteanu 😉 . Mie, dimpotriva, prin linia minimalista pe care o promoveaza, prin materialele naturale si culorile neutre, nisipii, cu care isi orneaza vitrina in orice sezon, mi se pare un brand ce oglindeste o eleganta aproape „regala”, de la care se imbraca adevaratii „oameni cu bani” (nu ca as face parte dintre ei, dar stiu unde sa ma uit… 🙂 ), adica cei care sunt asa din tata in fiu, nu cei „fauiti” peste noapte, care rup usile marilor case de moda „mondene” precum DSquared2 sau Phillip Plein, sau oamenii cu acel nivel de cultura ce asigura o recunoastere tacita, intrinseca, a importantei valentei raportului eleganta/simplitate in faurirea tinutelor cu adevarat memorabile. Daca va ganditi cumva la Chanel 🙂 , ati mers enorm de departe. 🙂 Eu nu imi permit (inca!) cumparaturi la acest brand. Dar presimt un viitor luminos in aceasta directie 😉 . Cunoscatorii stiu probabil deja ca, tot discursul anterior, s-a referit la unicul si inegalabilul Stefanel. 🙂 Prima mea achizitie la acest magazin s-a petrecut in anul 1994 si a constat intr-o superba rochie de banchet (sfarsitul clasei a XII-a)  😉 , in care am facut senzatie si pe care o am inca in dulap! 🙂
Si uite asa v-am prezentat brand-urile mele favorite. 🙂 Nu sunt prea pretentioasa, nu? E… nu va lasati pacaliti, mai am ceva branduri „pe chelie” care ridica stacheta foarte mult (doar din punct de vedere financiar, insa). Dar despre ele, in episoade urmatoare… Pana una alta, va las sa admirati o tinuta chic, pentru care am primit nenumarate complimente, prin urmare, incerc sa o abordez destul de des. Si pe buna dreptate… 🙂 Pup la voi tare si apasat.
With this post, I intend to make some lobby for a store, that is very dear to me and which, unfortunately, does not exist in Timisoara anymore, although here was one of our first encounters: BSB Fashion. I took advantage of the three weeks I spent in Constanta and I bought a few pieces at low prices (as I did each summer for the last 13-15 years :o), turning „emotionally” in time more or less 10 years, when, the end of each month (after getting the „fruits of my labour” on my bank account 🙂 ),  got me standing in front of the entrance to the store I am telling you about and the girls there, recognizing me, usually had already chic pieces  „matching” my style, ready to be shown. I’m talking about the time when fashion was still a pretty „obscure” topic, when there were no blogs, Pinterest or Instagram, when Facebook was in it’s early age, when Hi5 (do you remember thsi site? 😮 ) had the monopoly of online socialization and when the best stores in the romanian malls were Zara and Mango.
This was the time when the BSB store (there was a similar one called Polo Garage, which in the meantime completely disappeared from the market …) displayed unusual, unconventional pieces with enormous „fashion” potential. I will confess that I have clothes from this brand bought 14 years ago (for example, the bag you see in this post), which, although not „classic”, are wearable and „mixable” in 2017 looks. Conclusion? We deserve and need BSB in Timisoara !! Please!! 🙂
There was also, in the „long time ago” age 🙂 , a store which stands with great pride today also, of which I am irremediably in love. It’s a not very frequented shop, the reasons being that prices are slightly intimidating and also  many people find it „old-fashioned”. Before telling you which brand it is, I ask you honestly, if you think that the shoes and pants you see in the picture above seem to be „old-fashioned”, „old-womenizing” 🙂 I tried to translate some „mauricien” epithets – Maurice Munteanu 😉 . On the contrary, I find the minimalist line that it promotes, the natural materials and neutral colors, the „sandly” colours that are displayed in the show-window no matter the season, like they all mirrors an almost „royal” elegance. It is a store from which dress the true „people with money,” those who are rich from father to son, not the „overnight millionaires”, who break the doors of the big fashion houses as DSquared 2 or Phillip Plein, or people with that culture level, that assures an intrinsic recognition of the importance of the valency of the elegance / simplicity ratio in making the items truly memorable. If you think of Chanel somehow, you have gone too far. 🙂 I can not afford (yet!) shopping at this brand. But I feel a bright future lies ahead 😉 . The „connaisseurs” already know that, all previous discourse, referred to the unique and unparalleled Stefanel. 🙂 My first purchase at this store was in 1994 and it consisted of a beautiful banquet dress (end of the 12th grade) 😉  I made sensation with it and I still have it in my closet! 🙂
And here’s how I introduced you my favorite brands. 🙂 I’m not too pretentious, right? Well … do not be fooled, I still have some other brands rolling in my head, that raise the stakes a lot ( but only from a financial point of view). I will talk about them in the next episodes … For now, I’ll let you admire a chic outfit, for which I have received countless compliments, so I try to „use” it quite often. And rightly so … 🙂 Kiss you all loud and pressed! 🙂
I am wearing
BSB Fashion fringe oversized blouse bought last year
BSB Fashion leather bag
Stefanel pants
Stefanel shoes
Bijou Brigitte armband and earrings
Adidas sports bra
Magid Hats straw hat
Photos were made by me 🙂 so I beg your pardon for the quality and the fact that I hold my phone in almost every single one!