
Dragile mele fashioniste, din cand in cand – dar nu prea des 😉 – este foarte indicat sa ne afisam intr-o tinuta „curata” din punct de vedere stilistic. Cu alte cuvinte, este imperativ sa avem in dulapuri acel palton… care sa mearga cu acele cizme si acel pulover, cateva palarii asortate celor abia enumerate si vreo 2 genti de efect. Pentru mine, acel palton este si singurul pe care il am… 🙁 no comment.. Cred ca, vazand-o pe mama toata viata in paltoane cu guler de blana detasabil si cizme pana la genunchi, am capatat o usoara fobie vis a vis de toate acestea… Dar, nici macar eu nu am putut nega importanta stilistica fara echivoc a mult mediatizatului palton camel… Este o piesa cheie, atat pentru femei cat si pentru barbati.

Vremea m-a determinat sa il scot la plimbare iarna… caci in rest, doamna in alb este „facuta” pentru cojoace. Prefer sa am stratul exterior gros si sa ma imbrac mai lejer, decat sa suprapun multe materiale, in incercarea de a nu ingheta de frig. (Atentie, eu sunt exagerat de friguroasa!)  Am cateva cojoace foarte chic… o sa le vedeti in viitorul apropiat. O zi superba in Timisoara astazi, parol! Nu stiu in ce masura primavaratica, deorece temperatura a ramas undeva pe la 7-8 grade, dar cu siguranta… o zi numai buna pentru afisarea unui „street style” de calitate. Cu toate ca v-am vorbit despre paltonul camel, totusi nu acesta este vedeta tinutei de astazi. 🙂 As vrea sa imi spuneti sincer parerea despre cizmele evazate pe care le port astazi. 🙂 Sunt vintage, desigur. Nu se mai fabrica asa ceva acum… din pacate. „Lavorazione artigiana” spune enorm despre calitatea unei perechi de incaltari.

Ce am observat la acest gen de cizma? NU merge deloc la fusta sau rochie… arata nefiresc. In schimb, cu o pereche de jeans skinny, pantaloni de piele sau colanti de orice fel, arata fantastic! Si… merg de minune la paltoane, atat mai scurte cat si mai lungi. 😉 Am ales sa le asociez cu o pereche neagra de pantaloni de piele si cred ca am tras lozul castigator. Din anumite unghiuri, ai senzatia ca cizmele si pantalonii sunt de fapt un singur element vestimentar, destul de extravagant. Daca pantalonii erau de culoarea cizmelor, profilul ar fi aratat „insane”. 😛

Revening la tinuta „curata” si la paltonul camel, sfatul meu este sa mentineti o arie cromatica apropiata acestuia pentru toate elementele tinutei. Dar, nu uitati de cei 5% rosu necesari unei compozitii reusite. 😉 La fel de chic, ar fi si un total look pe camel sau nude… Ca o bomboana din aceea cu lapte, dupa care eram toti innebuniti in copilarie.

Timisoara a aratat minunat astazi, iar blogger-ul din mine a profitat de arhitectura, lumina si detalii… pentru a potenta efectul tinutei. Cred ca Timisoara face pe oricine sa arate putin mai bine. 🙂 Nu ma luati in seama, eu o iubesc sincer… si nu ii vad decat partile pozitive. Pe data viitoare, frumoaso!

Pentru voi, indemnul este de a iesi la soare si de a va bucura de frumusetea usor ireala a acestui oras. Iar daca nu ati ajuns inca pe aceste meleaguri, fuga fuguta pe cai putere…  si haideti pe la noi! Doar e weekend… Va pup tare si apasat.


My dear fashionistas, from time to time – but not too often 😉 – it is very good to show ourselves in „clean-styled” outfits. In other words, it is imperative that we have in our dressing that coat … that goes with those boots and that sweater, some hats that match those just listed items… and maybe 2 also matching statement bags. Unfortunately, this coat is the only one I have of this kind … 🙁 No comment .. I think, by seeing my mother all my life in coats with detachable fur collar and knee-high boots, I developed a light phobia round those ones… But, even I could not deny the unequivocally stylistic value of the highly „publicized” camel coat … It’s a key piece for both women and men.
The weather today made me use this coat, even though it is still winter… usually,  the „lady in white” is made for „sheepsking” coats and fur coats. I prefer to have a thick outer layer and to dress more lightly, than to overlap many materials, in the attempt not to freeze to death. (Attention, I have little resistance to cold!) I have a few very chic winter coats … you will see them in the near future. A wonderful day in Timisoara today! I do not know if spring is already here, because the temperature remained somewhere at 7-8 degrees, but definitely … a good day for displaying a quality „street style”. Although I spoke to you about the camel coat, it is not the star of today’s outfit. 🙂 Would you like to tell me frankly your opinion on the flared- boots I wear today? 🙂 They are vintage, of course. They are not making such boots nowadays … unfortunately. „Lavorazione artigiana” says enormously about the quality of a pair of shoes.
What did I notice about this kind of boot? It does NOT go well with skirts or dresses… They look unnatural. Instead, with a pair of skinny jeans, leather pants or tights of any kind, it looks fantastic! And … they go also with the type of coat I used in this post, both in short or long version. I chose to associate them with a pair of black leather pants and I think I pulled the winning ticket. From some angles, you have the feeling that the boots and trousers are actually just one extravagant fashion item. If the pants were the same color as the boots, my profile would have been „insane.” 😛
Returning to the „clean” outfit idea and the camel coat, my advice is to keep the color area for all the elements of the outfit, in the same range as the coat. But do not forget about the 5% red needed for a successful composition. 😉 Just as chic it would be a total look on camel or nude … Like that milk candy,  we were all crazy about in childhood.
Timisoara looked amazing today and my inner blogger took advantage of the architecture, lights and details … to boost the effect of the outfit. I think Timisoara makes anyone look a little better. 🙂 Do not take me into account, I love her sincerely … and I see only the positive parts. Till next time, beautiful!
As for you… dear readers, my advice is to go out in the sun and enjoy the slightly unreal beauty of this city. And if you have not yet reached these lands, step on your „horsepower” … and come to us! It’s weekend, right? Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Mango coat , similar here

Stefanel pullover

leather pants, similar here

vintage boots and bag

similar red hat here