Am mai inaintat putin cu pozele pe firul canalului Bega. 🙂 Nu mi-am propus sa va arat intregul parcurs al acestuia, dar fara sa vreau, o cam fac. Din nou, invoc nevoia de singuratate propice momentelor cand imi fac singura pozele.. Ferice mie, sunt rari cei ce se plimba pe aci in timpul saptamanii, iar cei care o fac totusi, sunt de cele mai multe ori afundati in ecranul telefonului sau in paginile vreunei carti… nu atenti la cai verzi (in cazul de fata, fucsia 😉 ) pe promenada. Astazi am prins doua momente distincte: unul in dreptul podului General Ioan Dragalina (fost Stefan cel Mare), unde soarele s-a cam ascuns privirii mele si pozele au iesit foarte intunecate, iar al doilea, in dreptul podului Maria (fost Traian), unde m-am invaluit in cateva raze si am putut sa surprind adevaratele culori ale acestei tinute.
Pe scurt, mi-am dorit ca prima postre din 2018 sa fie una colorata. Vreau sa pasesc in noul an cu veselia rezultata din alaturarea culorilor tari, analoge, ale acestei tinute. Nu este o combinatie inedita pentru mine, am mai folosit-o intr-o maniera asemanatoare si in articolul „Meli Melo goes playing”. Evident, in vremea acelui articol, ultra-violetul nu avea insemnatatea pe care a capatat-o incepand cu acest an… 😉
In afara de o asociere „turbata” a culorilor, aceasta tinuta este cat se poate de banala. O poate incerca oricine, indiferent de forma corpului, greutate sau varsta. Daca vi se pare ca arat diferit fata de cum ma stiti, nu vi se pare.. 🙁 Am reusit sa ma rotunjesc peste masura in ultimele doua saptamani, pe fondul sistarii temporare a orelor de sala si augmentarii calorice, ce a insotit mesele de Craciun. Sportul se va relua din acest weekend 😛 , iar bucatele s-au „realiniat” fagasului normal – disociere, excluderea sarii, limitarea zaharului.
Jacheta-halat este o achizitie relativ veche, efectuata pe E-Bay. Imi place la nebunie materialul, care-i confera o volumetrie. Iubesc hainele cu „volume”: intersectii de volume, suprapuneri de volume, alaturari de volume, etc… Si nu ma refer aici la proza. 😉 Nu sunt foarte sigura de alegerea puloverului rosu de dedesubt. Ar fi trebuit sa sustin „petecul” acela rosu de la gat, cu un volum din aceeasi culoare, amplasat in zona mediana sau joasa a tinutei. Mai exact, o geanta sau niste manusi. Am avut intentia, dar nu am gasit manusile… 🙁 Banuiesc ca doua capete ciufulite au gasit o intrebuintare extracurriculara pentru ele… 🙂 😛 Este un mister, pe care intentionez sa il dezleg.
Sa ne bucuram de aceste zile calduroase de ianuarie, zic! Iata o urare pe care nu am auzit-o prea des… 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!
I’ve just taken more pictures on the Bega channel. 🙂 I do not intend to show you the whole of it in my posts, but it seems that this is exactly what I do. Again, I invoke the need for loneliness perfect for moments when I take my own pictures. Luckily for me, those who are walking on the shores in the middle of the week are few and most of them are often sneezed in their phone screens, or in pages of good old fashioned books 😉 … hardly do they pay attention to fuchsia „things” on the promenade. Today I took pictures in two distinct locations and moments of the day: one at the General Ioan Dragalina Bridge (formerly Stefan cel Mare), where the sun was a bit obscured by the grayness of the day, so my eyes did had the chance to gaze into it… and the pictures came out very dark, and the second, at the Maria Bridge (former Traian), where I covered myself in several rays of sun and I was able to capture the true colors of this outfit.
In short, I wanted the first post of 2018 to be a colorful one. I wanted to enter into the new year with that joy resulting from blending strong, analogue colors, like this outfit plenty did. It is not a new combination for me, I have used it in a similar way and in the article „Meli Melo goes playing”. Obviously, at the time of that article, ultra-violet did not have the significance it got from this year on … 😉
Besides a „fuzzy” combination of colors, this outfit is as trivial as possible. Everyone can try it, regardless of body shape, weight or age. If I seem to look different than my usual me, you are not mistaken… 🙁 I’ve managed to gain weight over the past two weeks, due to the temporary suspension of my gym classes and the calories overload which accompanied the Christmas meals. The sport will be resumed this weekend :P, and the dishes are „realigned” as we speak 😉 to normal parameters – dissociation, exclusion of salt, restriction of sugar.
The „winter robe”-jacket is a relatively old acquisition, made on E-Bay. I love the material, which gives it a volumetry. I love „volume” clothes: volume intersections, volume overlapping, volume associations, etc … And I’m not referring here to prose. 😉 I’m not very sure about the red sweater I choose to wear underneath it. I should have supported the red „triangle” of the neck, with a volume of the same color, placed in the middle or the lower part of the outfit. More specifically, a bag or some gloves. I had the intention, but I did not find the gloves … 🙁 I guess two shrewd heads found an extracurricular use for them … 🙂 😛 It’s a mystery, which I intend to untie.
Let’s enjoy these hot days of January, I say! Here’s a wish that I have not heard too often … 🙂 Kiss you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
Irene Laybourn jacket, same color one here and same shaped one here
Hugo Boss trousers, similar here
similar boots here
the bag here suits this outfit beautifully