
Va vine sa credeti ce este Craciunul, judecand dupa vremea de azi?? Afirmatie valabila pentru banateni, evident… 🙂 Trebuie sa fiu sincera si sa spun ca nu ma incanta…deloc! Un Craciun fara zapada este ca o savarina fara frisca. Nu am avut tinuta pregatita in prealabil si nici nu am anticipat in vreun fel (!) ca voi iesi azi sa fac poze. Dar… ratiunea a fost de dubla natura: trebuia sa gasesc ceva de facut ca sa imi scot capul din blidele cu mancare 🙂 😛 ; nu trebuia sa pierd un asemenea rarisim albastru infinit decembrist. M-am simtit ca intr-o frumoasa zi de toamna, nimic in comun cu o normalitate manifestata prin grade Celsius cu minus, specifica lunii decembrie..

Si pentru ca tot m-am simtit ca intr-o zi de toamna, am revenit asupra unui subiect cu care va eram datoare… Am afirmat ca o sa mai scriu un articol despre trendurile propuse de revista Glamour pentru toamna lui 2017 si nu am mai apucat, datorita participarii mele la concursul Super Blog, care mi-a rapit mult din timpul acordat articolelor mele obisnuite. Asadar, prin urmare, in concluzie… iaca, azi o sa povestim putin despre… stilul masculin!

Cam ce urmarim daca vrem sa obtinem un look masculin? Evident, trebuie sa folosim elemente vesimentare de ispiratie masculina! 🙂 In aceasta categorie intra cu succes: sacouri supradimensionate in zona umerilor, pantaloni mai largi pe picior, cu dunga sau fara, camasi, elemente de inspiratie „army” – caschete, berete, epoleti, mansete, butoni aurii cu model „stema”, bocanci, etc – blugi boyfriend (dar cei adevarati, adica „furati” de la sot sau iubit… 🙂 ), veste, cravate, papioane si alte zeci de „ingrediente” de provenienta „testosteronica”. 😛

Totusi, nu trebuie sa exageram! In aceasta idee, este foarte importanat sa avem mereu la indemana cateva repere cu adanca conotatie „feminina”: un ruj „foarte” 😉 rosu, unghii lungi si vopsite 😛 , o centura pentru marcarea taliei, bijuterii pretioase, tocuri inalte… zambet cald si ochi inocenti de „domnita aflata la ananghie”. Acest ultim reper este esential, credeti-ma!

Unde gasim sacouri cu bureti in umeri, revere, mansete si eventual, doua randuri de nasturi? In magazinele vintage, dragile mele. Mai pe intelesul tuturor, vorbesc despre magazinele second hand. Eu am gasit acest sacou apartinand unei fratii universitare 😛 , care se poate incadra si intr-un gen „military” mai „de parada”, asa… intr-un asemenea magazin. Cat am dat pe el? 2 Ron. Nu, nu 20… ci 2!! Cam cat o jumatate de paine, nu? Sa-l fi folosit doar la pozele de astazi, iar apoi sa-l fi transformat in carpa… tot ar fi meritat! Va asigur insa ca, isi va primi un loc de cinste la mine in dulap, pentru ca il ador pur si simplu! 🙂 Ramane intre noi faptul ca este marimea XL… in numere barbatesti! 🙂

Desi m-am imbracat ca un soldatel, asa cum a afirmat,pe buna dreptate, sotul meu cand m-a vazut iesind din casa, m-am simtit „festiva” astazi… ca pentru Craciun. 🙂 Sa fie rosul sacoului de vina, oare? Sau accesoriile aurii cu care m-am invaluit? Sau… aspectul de „Spargatorul de nuci” pe care fara sa vreau, l-am obtinut? 😛 Va pup tare si apasat! Craciun fericit tuturor!


Will you believe that today it’s Christmas, judging by the weather outside?? I am talking in the name of my west-Romania fellow citizens, of course … 🙂 I have to be honest and say that I’m not happy … at all! A snow-free Christmas is like an eclair without cream. I did not have a pre-prepared outfit and I did not anticipate in any way (!) that I would go out today, to take pictures. But … the reason had a double nature: I had to find something to do to get my head out the plates I was devouring 🙂 😛 ; missing such an infinitely dazzling december blue sky, would have been a big mistake. I felt like I went out on a beautiful autumn day, nothing in common with a normality display of minus degrees Celsius, specific to December.

And because I felt like today was a beautiful October day,  I came back to a subject I was behind with … In October, I said I was going to write a last article about the trends proposed by Glamor for the autumn of 2017 and I did not… because of my participation in the Super Blog competition, which took time, I usually gave to my regular articles. So, therefore, in conclusion … today we are going to talk a little about … the masculine style!

What do we do if we want to get a masculine look? Obviously, we need to use masculine elements! 🙂 This category, successfully includes: oversized jackets, but in the shoulder area, wide trousers, elegant or not, shirts, „army” elements – helmets, berets, epaulettes, wristbands, army boots, etc. –  boyfriend jeans (but the true ones, „stolen” from the husband or boyfriend 🙂 ), vests, ties, bow ties and other dozens of  „testosterone-origin” „ingredients. 😛

However, we must not exaggerate! Keeping this in mind, it is very important to always have a few „landmarks” with deep feminine connotation: a „very” red lipstick 🙂 ,  dyed long finger nails :P, a belt for waist marking, precious jewels, high heels, a warm smile and innocent eyes of „damsel in distress”. This last landmark is essential, believe me!

So, where do we find jackets with big shoulders, wristbands and possibly two rows buttons? In vintage stores, dear readers. I’m talking about second-hand shops. I found this fraternity (as in University fraternities) jacket :P, which can fit also a”military” style… in such a shop. How much did I paid for it? 50 cents. No, not 5$ … but 50 cents !! About half a bread, right? To use it only in today’s pictures and then to turn it into a dust cloth … it would still be worth it! I assure you, however, that it will receive a place of honor in my closet, because I simply adore it! 🙂 Even if the size is XL in men’s size chart… 😉

Although I dressed like a little soldier, as my husband rightly said when he saw me going out of the house, I felt „festive” today … Christmas wise. 🙂 Is it the red of the blazer? Or the golden accessories I covered myself with? Or … „The Nutcracker” look I managed to display, without intention?  😛 I kiss you all loud and pressed! Merry Christmas!!

I am wearing

vintage jacket and bag

Zara pants

textile shoes from Benneton

H&M beret