
Copiii sunt in vacanta, mami profita si face exces de zel. In realitate, este un ritm pe care l-as dori constant pentru blog. Idei am, haine se mai gasesc… inca 😉 (dar incep sa simt nevoia unui Fashion Swap 🙂 !), timpul este singurul si unicul meu dusman. Regret din suflet ca nu se pot face poze noaptea, caci din foarte multe puncte de vedere, sunt animal de noapte. Si pentru ca veni vorba de animale, in postarea de astazi veti vedea cum am accesorizat o tinuta cu elemente „animal print”: o palarie, niste ochelari de soare, ceva margele, un colier si piesa de rezistenta, pantofii stiletto. Nu, geanta nu ar fi trebuit sa fie de aceeasi factura. Revistele de specialitate ne invata ca exista cam doua modalitati de a purta corect animal print-ul: fie un total-look, ceea ce este extrem de greu de realizat chiar si pentru persoane care au studii de specialitate in domeniu, fie prin alaturarea a 2, maxim 3 asemenea elemente in aceeasi tinuta. E bine totusi sa nu fie doar un element, exceptie fiind cazurile cand acel element este o haina… 🙂 Vizual vorbind, o haina sau un palton, reprezinta intre 50-80% din tinuta… deci, destul. 🙂

Cu promisiunea ca veti vedea catre vara pe acest blog un total-look animal-print (trebuie sa fie putin mai cald afara, am o rochie groasa cat o foaie de ceapa 😛 ) , varianta de astazi este cea putin mai facila. Se ia „una” bucata pantaloni mulati cu talie inalta si elastic, un pulover-maleta „tricotat de bunica” lung pana sub fese (atentie, nu modelul numit „oversize”, ci clasicul pulover tub), se inchide totul sub o haina cambrata fara maneci si se adauga accesoriile. Este imperativ sa existe o pata de culoare, altfel intregul ansamblu poate parea putin tern. Partea frumoasa este ca puloverul poate fi cam de orice culoare, atat timp cat ne ferim de pasteluri si de culori foarte inchise… cum ar fi gri inchis, bleumarin, negru, maro-negru . Un rosu aprins, un carmin, un verde crud, un maro intens… cam orice varianta pare sa functioneze. Evident, este posibil sa fim nevoite sa adaptam culoarea gentii la cea de pe pulover. Galbenul nu functioneaza la orice. 🙂

Unde mergem imbracate asa? NU pe piatra cubica!! 🙂 😉 Deci, la birou… la mall… la vreun eveniment… la restaurant…etc. Eu am iesit astfel imbracata in oras cu copiii, dar am schimbat pantofii cu toc, pe o pereche fara toc model office, tot „animal print” si niste sosete inalte de lana (nu s-a mai vazut ca pantalonii au elastic, dar m-am simtit confortabil la plimbare prin centru, iar privirile nu au fost ironice). Stiu ca o sa par un om „mic” acum, dar m-am surprins de multe ori privind cu amuzament domnisoare pe tocuri ascutite de 12 cm, abia”supravietuind” bataliei cu pavajul din centru. Pentru acesta, daca e musai sa fie toc, sa fie un toc cazon, gros si stabil. Zic! 😉

Mi-as dori sa vad ceva comentarii, ca sa imi dau seama daca sunt pe drumul cel bun sau nu. 😉 Sa stiti ca eu nu sunt o persoana foarte sociabila, adica… daca nu incepi TU sa vorbesti cu mine, eu nu prea initiez dialoguri. Acest blog este, pana una alta, un monolog. Imi doresc foarte tare sa am dialoguri cu voi. Ce ziceti? Va pup tare si apasat!


The kids are on vacation, so mommy takes advantage and makes excesses of zeal. In reality, it’s a rhythm I would like as a constant for the blog. I still have ideas, clothes I can still find in my dressing…  😉 (but I feel the need for a Fashion Swap 🙂 !), time is my only enemy. I regret that I can not take pictures at night, because in many ways, I’m a night hawk. And because I spoke about animals, in today’s post, you will see how I accessorized myself with „animal print” items: a hat, some sunglasses, some beads, a necklace and „la piece de resistance”, the stiletto shoes. No, the bag should not have been in the same „area”. Fashion magazines teach us that there are just two right ways to wear the animal print: either a total look, which is extremely difficult to achieve even for people who have specialized studies in fashion and style, or by joining 2 , maximum 3 such items in the same outfit. It is good, however, not to have just one element, the exception being when the item is a coat … 🙂 Visually speaking, a coat represents 50-80% of the outfit … so, enough. 🙂

With the promise that you will see an animal-print total-look this spring (it must be a bit warmer outside, I have a  dress as tick as an onion sheet :P), today’s version is the easier one. Take one „piece” of  high-waisted trousers with elastic bands, a long, knit turtle-neck sweater (attention, not the „oversized” model, but a classic tube-sweater), a sleeveless coat  and accessorise them. It is imperative to have a color somewere, otherwise the entire ensemble may seem a bit tern. The beautiful part is that the sweater can be of any color, as long as we do not use pastels and very dark colors … such as dark gray, navy, black, dark brown, etc. A bright red, a carmine, a deep green, an intense brown … just about any variant seems to work. Obviously, we may need to adjust the color of the handbag to that of the sweater. Yellow does not work to all of them. 🙂

Where do we go dressed like this? Not on cubic stone !! 🙂 😉 So, at the office … at the mall … at an event … at the restaurant … etc. I went out in town with my children, but I changed my heel shoes to a flat „animal print” office model and high wool socks (the elastic bands of my trousers were not visible anymore, but I felt comfortable to walk through the center, and the looks on people’s faces were not ironic). I know I’m going to look like a „small” person right now, but I surprised myself many times with funny grimaces, when seeing ladies with 12cm sharp heels, barely „surviving” the battle with the pavement in the center. For this situation, if it’s supposed to be a heel, make it a thick, stable, „coffer box” one. Just saying… 😉

I would like to see some of your comments, to understand if I am on the right track or not. 😉 You should know that I am not a very sociable person, that is … if YOU do not start talking to me, I do not really initiate dialogues. This blog is a monologue. I really want to have dialogues with you. What do you say? Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

 Stradivarius trousers, similar here

Marc Cain sleeveless coat, „similar” here

similar sweater here

and here

Guban shoes, similar here

similar hat here

Bijou Brigitte necklaces