Azi sunt sentimentala. Motive? Sa tot fie cateva… In primul rand, azi e ziua fiului meu cel mare, face 8 anisori. 🙂 Vorba aceea… cand esti deprimat, totul se prabuseste in jurul tau, iti vine sa te tot duci in lume… cobori privirea la doi ochi albastri, sclipitori si lipiciosi, care te intreaba inocenti si jucausi: „Mami, ce avem de mancare?” si parca, exact in acele momente, gravitatia dispare si sufletul ti se urca usor dar sigur, la lacasu-i obisbuit. Nu intelegeti gresit, sunt ok, nu am nici o tristete sau nefericire, doar ca incerc sa exprim in putine cuvinte, ce aduce un copil in viata parintilor: speranta, liniste, echilibru.
Am realizat ca tocmai am mintit in randurile de mai sus… Am o tristete, iar ea este legata de trecerea in nefiinta a Regelui Mihai I de Romania. Cat am plans in cursul zilei de ieri, nu am plans in ani intregi. Despartirea de niste valori, cu care stii in adancul sufletului ca nu te vei mai intalni niciodata, este una absolut sfasietoare. Prin natura familiei si educatiei primite, am fost monarhista. Dar… nu am facut nimic in aceasta privinta. Ca noi toti, toti o apa si-un pamant… Nu politizez blogul, asa ca ma opresc aici cu aceste comentarii. Nu am decat o amintire pregnanta referitoare la monarhie si Majestatea Sa: intr-un tren personal fiind, undeva intre Craiova si Strehaia, sa tot fi avut vreo 5 ani, maxim 6, m-am apucat sa recit o poezie pro monarhie si Regele Mihai (nu imi amintesc titlul poeziei, dar referirea la Regele Mihai era evidenta), pe care o invatasem de la bunica din partea mamei, cea care m-a crescut si m-a educat; tatal meu, pe jumatate mandru pe jumatate ingrijorat, a inceput sa se uite in stanga si in dreapta dupa eventuale „pericole” (eram in plina epoca comunista) si nu mare i-a fost mirarea cand, doi domni imbracati in pardesie lungi pana in pamant s-au ridicat sa caute din priviri vocea plapanda dar sigura si tantosa, a copilei recitande cu patos si ardoare.. „Anuta, taci ca ma bagi la puscarie…” Niste cuvinte adanc imprimate in constiinta si sufletul meu, cu care voi ramane prietena toata viata. Episodul s-a terminat fericit, caci am trecut instant la a recita „Luceafarul”, prilej pentru multe doamne si domni de a-si exprima admiratia si felicitarile. Ajunsi la bunica mea, tin minte ca tata a sarutat-o pe ambii obraji si i-a multumit din suflet, pentru ca imi lasa mostenire o normalitate, pe care el si mama, nu ar avea cum s-o transmita…
Vineri am avut sansa de a fi fotografiata de un fotograf profesionist, originar din Lituania. Mi-am luat baietii cu mine si drept urmare, ne-am ales cu cateva minunate poze de familie (regret nespus ca sotul meu lipseste de la multe intamplari din vietile noastre, dar il intelegem si il sustinem). Am realizat, daca mai era nevoie, cat de important este sa lucrezi cu un fotograf la blog… Pe aceasta cale, adresez o oferta 🙂 de colaborare, cu oricine are un aparat foto, mult talent si isi doreste o iesire din anonimat… 😉 , sau cu cineva deja consacrat, cu experienta, care apreciaza genul de tinute si ipostaze in care ma prezint pe aci… Nu am cum sa ofer bani, dar in masura in care pot, pot face lobby si multa, multa, multa „pomenire” (fara conotatii morbide!) pe toate site-urile de socializare pe care ma desfasor… Sunt foarte buna la asta! 🙂 Astept mesaje in privat. 😉 😛
Sa vorbim putin si de tinuta, nu? 🙂 Nu este asa ca aveti, fiecare dintre voi, in dulap, o fusta midi eleganta, super veche, din poliester sau satin, pe care v-ati gandit de multe ori sa o dati sau sa o aruncati? Daca o aveti, eu zic sa incercati sa o scoateti din contextul „eleganto-prafuit” in care se invarte… si sa o alaturati unor elemete moderne: o geaca supradimensionata de fas, o sapca cu pompon si niste cizme din latex… Ce sa va mai zic, mi-a iesit o tinuta street style interesanta, in acelasi timp „cuminte”, purtabila, usor sexi, numai buna de luat la o plimbare cu copiii prin centru frumosului oras in care locuim acum. Si daca tot iesiti la plimbare, e obligatoriu sa vizitati brazii altfel din Piata Libertatii. Fara sa vreau, eu m-am asortat cu unul dintre ei, in aceasta tinuta! 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!
Today I’m sentimental. Reasons? There are a few … First of all, today is the birthday of my oldest son (he is actually, not so old…), he is turning 8. 🙂 The feeling is like … when you’re depressed, everything is crashing around you, you’re thinking about leaving and never coming back … and you lower your gaze at two blue, brilliant and sticky eyes, that ask you innocently and playful, „Mummy, what’s for dinner?” and, just like that, gravity disappears for a few seconds and your soul climbs back to it’s usual place. Do not misunderstand me, I’m ok, I am not sad or unhappy, I am just trying to say in a few words, what a child brings to the lives of the parents: hope, quietness, balance.
I realized I just lied a little in the lines above … I have a sadness, and it is related to the passing of the King Mihai I of Romania. As I cried yesterday, I did not cry for years. The loss of some values, with which you know in the depths of your soul, that you will never come across again, is an absolute sorrow. By the nature of the family I came from and the education I received, I was a monarchist. But … I did not do anything about it. Like all of us, all of us that came from „the same water and earth” (romanian quote, I do not know how to translate more accurate) … I do not politicize the blog, so I stop here with these comments. I have only one pregnant memory regarding the monarchy and its Majesty: in a train, somewhere between Craiova and Strehaia, I was 5 years of age, maximum 6, I started to recite a poem about the monarchy and King Mihai (I do not remember the title of the poem, but the reference to King Mihai was obvious), which I learned from my grandmother on my mother’s side, the one who raised and educated me; my father, half proud half worried, started to look around after possible „dangers” (it was in the communist era, and any reference to monarchy was completely forbidden) and not little was the surprise to observe two gentlemen dressed in long trench-coats, that raised up to look out of the clear, but tantalizing voice, of the child reciting with patos and ardor .. „Anuta (a diminutive my father used on me 😉 ), shut up, you will put me in prison …” These words are deeply printed in my consciousness and soul and I will stay friend with them all my life. The episode ended happily, as I immediately started to recite the „Luceafarul” (one of the greatest, and longest, romanian poems, written by our great Mihai Eminescu), an opportunity for many ladies and gentlemen to express their admiration and congratulations. When we arrived at my grandmother’s, I remember that my father kissed her both cheeks and thanked her from the bottom of his heart, because she left me the legacy of „normality”, that him and my mom, never could have…
On Friday I had the chance to be photographed by a professional photographer from Lithuania. I took my boys with me and as a result, we have now some wonderful family pictures (I’m sorry that my husband is missing from many happenings in our lives, but we understand why and support him completly). I realized, if it needed, how important it is to work with a photographer on the blog … In this way, I’m addressing a collaboration offer 🙂 with anyone who has a camera, a lot of talent and wants to exit the sate of anonymity …, or with someone already experienced, who appreciates the kind of outfits and hypostasis in which I present myself on this blog… I can not give you money 🙂 , but as far as I can, I can make lobby for you and your whole family 😛 , if needed, on all the socializing networks I operate … I am very good at this! 🙂 I’m waiting for private messages. 😉 😛
Let’s talk a little about the outfit, right? 🙂 Isn’t it so that each of you have in the closet, a stylish, super old polyester or satin midi skirt that you have often thought of giving or throwing away? If you have it, try to remove it from the „elegant-dusty” context in which it is spinning … and join it with some modern elements: an oversized jacket, a pompon cap and some latex boots. By using these clothing elements, I created an interesting street style outfit, not excentric, portable, slightly sexy, perfect to use when walking the children through the center of the beautiful city we are now living in. And if you go out for a ride, it is imperative to visit the art-trees placed in Liberty Square. Without wanting, I look like one of them in this outfit! 🙂 Kiss you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
Zara jacket from last year, similar version here
vintage midi skirt Ricarda M
Latex and leather sporty boots , I think these are quite similar
sports sweater no name, similar here
Meli Melo cap from Shopping City Timisoara