
Stiti sentimentul acela cand mergeti in vizita la parinti si deschizand vechiul vostru dulap, gasiti haine pe care nu le-ati mai imbracat de ani de zile, dar care dintr-o data devin foarte „fashion”? Cam asta patesc eu de fiecare data cand revin in Germania, deoarece mi-am lasat destul de multe hainute pe aici – de care uit complet evident …- in speranta ca nu va trebui sa imi car intregul „dulap” la orice drum. Facand putin ordine azi, am dat peste camasa retro – vintage pe care o port in aceasta postare. O am de 10 ani, am cumparat-o din magazin noua, dar in urma a numeroase spalari, purtari etc… pare de pe vremea bunicii la propriu (evident, si modelul o „ajuta” in aceasta privinta). Tin minte ca am imbracat-o des pe vremea cand lucram ca arhitect in Bucuresti -la fuste creion, la blugi, la pantaloni de stofa- deoarece imi dadea un aerul acela de „artista” abordabila, pe care beneficiarii il cautau cu privirea de fiecare data cand veneau la discutii. In general, arhitectii sunt fiinte destul de extravagante, deci greu de digerat… 🙂 Nu subestimati niciodata „puterea hainelor”!! 🙂

Mi-a placut sa combin aceasta camasa „dulcica” la pantaloni de piele si pantofi sport. Arat ca o bunicuta ce asculta rock. 🙂 Sper din tot sufletul sa ajung o astfel de bunicuta… sau orice fel de bunicuta, doar nu conventionala. As ura sa fiu „boring”… Puloverul rosu de mohair si-a petrecut ultimele 6 luni tot in Germania, desi imi este foarte drag…ma mir ca l-am „parasit” in halul acesta! 🙂 L-am luat pe mine din doua motive: e foarte calduros si arata de parca e tricotat de bunica. Chiar mi se pare ca „e din film”. 😛

Ramele acelea de ochelari au rezultat prin distrugerea unor ochelari de soare cumparati cu 20 de ron dintr-un bazar. Nu mi-au stat niciodata bine ochelarii de forma rotunda, dar am observat cu stupoare ca, in varianta fara lentile…chiar mi se potrivesc de minune! Am primit complimente de la toti angajatii de la „Transilvania„… oare incercau sa ma „perieze” ca sunt una dintre sefe?! 😮 🙂

Pozele le-am facut pe terasa aceluiasi restaurant, unde troneaza un frumos gratar in forma de taur. Vara, aceasta mica terasa se transforma intr-un colt de rai, in variata de „aprilie” arata destul de dezolant… E, oricum, mie imi plac pozele. Culmea ar fi…mi-am spart ecranul telefonului, incercand ca sa le fac!! 🙁 Fiul meu „fotograf”, a cedat dupa primele 4 poze din cauza frigului, asa ca tot ce vedeti aici sunt „selfie-uri”! 😉

Concluzia acestei postari? Vizitati-va dulapurile de la parinti, bunici, matusi, etc… caci moda are felul ei „funny” de a se invarti „in jurul cozii”, si este posibil ca gasiti „piese de piese” uitate in dulap pe etajera…:) Pup la voi tare si apasat!


Do you know the feeling you get when you visit your parent’s home and you find clothes you haven’t been wearing in years, but suddenly they are very „fashion”?  This is what happens to me when I get to Germany, because I left a lot of clothes in here -that I always forget about…-  hoping I won’t have to carry my whole closet with me. During some basic housework, I found the retro-vintage blouse you can see in this post.  I have had it for 10 years,  I bought it new from the store,  but after a lot of washing and wearing, it seems like it really belonged to my grandmother (it’s model, helps in this situation..).I remember wearing it a lot when I was an architect in Bucharest -to pencil-skirts, jeans , elegant pants- because it gave me that „familiar” air, that artists lack -they are too extravagant-  that beneficiarys are looking for when they come at meetings.  Do not underestimate the power of clothes! 🙂

I loved styling this „sweet” blouse to a pair of leather pants and sport shoes. I look like a „rocking” granny.  🙂 I hope to become one, one day… or any kind of „unconventional” granny.  I would hate to be a „boring” one… The red mohair cardigan spent the last 6 months in Germany too, it’s an all times favourite of mine… I am amazed of myself leaving it behind  like this! 🙂 The reasons I am wearing it today: it keeps me warm and it looks like it was made by a granny.  It’s  „from the picture”. 😛

Those frames, resulted from the distruction of a pair of sunglasses I bought for 20 Ron from bazaar. I was never found of round-shaped gasses,  dbut I noticed that the „lensless” version looks really good on me …they really help the shape of my face!  I received compliments from all „Transilvania” employees … were they trying to make me feel good, because I am one of the bosses ?! 😮 🙂

The pictures were taken on the terrace of the same restaurant, where a very nice bull-shaped grill, steals all the view. In summer, this little terrace becomes a corner of Heaven, but its April version is pretty desolated… I liked the pictures, anyways…  Of course!…I broke the screen of my phone trying to make them!!  🙁 My „photographer” son bailed me after 4 pictures, because it was very cold outside .  You are watching a bunch of „selfies”! 🙂

In conclusion? Pay a visit to your parents, grandparents, aunts, etc… and check your old closet. Fashion has its way of going and coming around, who knows what „pieces” are waiting for you, forgotten on a shelf?? 🙂 😛

I am wearing

Only retro blouse

Bik Bok leather pants

Desigual pullover

Alexander McQueen shoes

Stradivarius straw hat

pictures were taken by me 🙂