
Mi s-a reprosat ca nu prea port fuste si rochii, deci implicit… ca ma imbrac in stil masculin. Aveti si n-aveti dreptate, dragii mei. Recunosc, ma feresc de fuste pentru ca nu imi place forma picioarelor mele… dar nu consider ca ma imbrac in tinute masculine. A, exista o nuanta de adevar in aceasta afirmatie totusi, caci ador sa port diverse piese din garderoba sotului meu, dar o fac in cel mai feminin mod cu putinta, va asigur de asta. Spre exemplu, sacoul pe care il vedeti in postarea aceasta este… surpriza(!), al sotului meu. 🙂 Si cam atat despre „masculin” azi… nu-i asa? 🙂

Am o problema foarte grava legata de lungimea unei fuste si forma picioarelor mele: mai exact, ori port fuste mini, ori fuste pana sub genunchi, sau chiar maxi. De aici si lungime dubioasa a rochiei din tinuta de azi. 😛 Sunt prea batrana pentru asa o lungime? Ha! No way Jose! 🙂 Ma simt bine, ma simt sexy, ma simt tanara si nelinistita. Voi? 😉

In aceasta primavara se poarta buline de tot felul. Nu e musai sa fim o mare „bulina” de sus pana jos… dar, acest imprimeu este unul extrem de feminin si se potriveste la aproape orice fel de tinuta, de la lenjeria intima sau pijama, pana la rochii de cocktail, sau chiar de seara. Daca nu va place sa va imbulinati 🙂 , puteti alege accesorii cu buline micute, finute, dar care pot face diferenta intre o tinuta plictistoare si una chic. Eu pe asta am mizat astazi: ciorapii si ochelarii sunt cireasa de pe tortul acestei zile. Trebuie sa recunoasteti ca fara ele, as fi aratat oarecum tern. Sacoul supadimesionat imi ascunde silueta si efectiv, am simtit nevoia unui element „girly” in partea de jos a ansamblului. Dupa cum bine s-a putut observa in ultima perioada, tind sa fac „uz si abuz” de pantofii-ciorap de la Zara. Va jur ca sunt minunati, de o versatilitate iesita din comun, fac orice picior foarte frumos, sunt comozi, practici si sexy. Mi-as cumpara variante in toate culorile la care m-as putea gandi, dar vai… nu prea se mai gasesc! 🙁

Cu cat petrec mai mult timp in acest oras frumos, cu atat ma indragostesc mai tare de el. De arhitectura-i, de oamenii-i, de culorile-i, de mirosu-i, de zgomotu-i… Orasul imi scrie pagini in jurnalul vietii, dar simt ca si eu scriu ceva in jurnalul existentei lui. Suna poetic si nu intentionez asta. Realizez doar ca sunt in „pericol” de a-l numi cat de curand „acasa”, mai acasa decat imi este Constanta, decat mi-au fost Bucurestiul si Oradea, sau decat m-am simtit vreodata in cei 7 ani lungi si agonizanti in Germania. Si da, probabil ca sunt teatrala, dar e singurul mod in care stiu eu sa iubesc: cu pasiune, cu nebunie, cu dedicatie, obstinatie, cu subiect, predicat, muuuuulte adjective si adverbe, dar si cu multe onomatopee… 🙂 😉 Va pup tare si apasat!


You reproached me that I do not wear skirts or dresses so that, implicitly …  I dress in a masculine style. You are both right and wrong, dear ones. I admit, I am not a big fun of skirts, because I do not go crazy about the shape of my legs … but I don’t think I dress like a man, eighter. Oh, there is a shade of truth in this statement though, because I love to wear various pieces from my husband’s wardrobe, but I do it in the most feminine way possible, I assure you of that. For example, the jacket you see in this post is … my husband’s. Surprise! 🙂 And that’s all about „masculinity” for today … is it not? 🙂

I have a very serious problem with the length of a skirt in relation with the shape of my legs: more precisely, I can wear only mini-mini skirts, skirts under the knees, or maxi ones. That’s why the shady length of the dress in today’s outfit. 😛 Am I too old for such a length? Ha! No way Jose! 🙂 I feel good, I feel sexy, I feel young and restless. How about you? 😉

This spring we should be wearing dots of any kind. We do not have to be a big  „polka dot” from head to toe … but this print is extremely feminine and fits almost any kind of outfit, from intimate lingerie or pajamas, to cocktail dresses, or even evening gowns. If you do not like to „embellish” yourself 🙂 , you can choose accessories with small, fine dots, but that can make a difference between a boring and a chic outfit. That’s on what I’m betting today: my stockings and glasses are the cherry on this cake. You have to admit that without them,my outfit would have shown somewhat tern. The oversized jacket hides my silhouette and actually, I felt the need for a „girly” element in the lower part of the ensemble. As well as I’ve been seen lately, I tend to „use and abuse” my Zara sock-shoes. I swear they are wonderful, they have a versatility out of the ordinary, make any foot look feminine and beautiful, are confortable, practical and sexy. I would buy variants in all the colors I could think of, but unfortunately … I can not find them anymore! 🙁

The more time I spend in this beautiful city, the more I fall in love with it. The architecture, the people, the colors, the smells, the noise … The city writes pages in my life’s diary, but I feel like I write something in the diary of its existence too. It sounds poetic and I do not intend that. I just realize that I’m in danger of calling it „home” sooner than I thought, because I feel here more at home than I feel in Constanta, in Bucharest and Oradea, or than I’ve ever felt in my 7 years of agonizing in Germany . And yes, I’m probably theatrical, but it’s the only way I can love: with passion, craziness, dedication, obstinacy, with subject, predicate, adjectives and adverbs, but also with many onomatopoeia … 🙂 😉 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Stones man’s jacket

Jacqueline de Yong blouse, similar here

Penti stockings

similar dress here

Zara shoes, similar here and here

Sinsay sunglasses

Photos @handra_diana (Instagram)