
Un tricou cu vibratie pozitiva 🙂
In zbor.
Si micul moment penibil… 🙂
Asa e mult mai bine! Walk it, girl! 😉

V-a fost dor de un articol in care pozele sunt facute de mine? 😛 Nici mie…. 🙂 , dar Diana este o femeie care lucreaza pe branci si al carei timp liber este limitat. In plus, are si o fata foarte inteligenta, frumoasa si plina de energie, aflata in prag de pubertate. Eu am fost un adolescent problema (wow, cat de surprinzator!), cu parinti extrem de ocupati, extenuati si plini de griji, deci inteleg foarte bine ambele perspective. (Nu ca ar fi vreo comparatie intre cazul meu si oricare alt caz de pe acest pamant! 🙂 ). Ideea este ca in timp, toate intamplarile, bune sau rele, ajung sa fie subiectul unor glume spumoase, spuse peste aburi de ceai sau fum de gratare. Nu-i asa, mami? 😛 🙂

Voi ce fel de adolescenta ati avut? Ati fost copiii aceia timizi, studiosi, retrasi, ascultatori, pasionati de cultura si arta? Sau ati trecut „pe partea intunecata a lunii” si ati scos din minti pe toti cei ce au avut ghinionul sa va iasa in cale? Din punctul meu de vedere, ambele variante sunt la fel de importante in formarea adultului sanatos. Pana la urma, fiecare ne alegem drumul catre destinatie si la final… acesta este singurul care conteaza.
Parintii mei au avut mult de furca cu mine si cu drumul meu, asa ca le multumesc pe aceasta cale pentru rabdarea, curajul si obstinatia cu care m-au calauzit atunci si acum deopotriva. Nu stiu de ce mi-a venit sa vorbesc despre acest subiect… dar, probabil, tricoul pe care il port este de vina. Mesajul lui reprezinta pentru mine un „desteapta-te Anutza din somnul cel de moarte… in care te-adancira anii de plafonare, rutina si nepasare in care te-ai afundat…” Va jur, atunci cand il port, ma simt (in spirit, clar!) adolescenta rebela, libera si plina de visuri, care am fost in casa parintilor mei de pe malul Marii Negre. Zic in spirit, pentru ca durerea de sale nu dispare… si nici cea din umarul stang… si nici pungile de sub ochi, nici adancul rid dintre acestia… nici firele albe din cap (Doamne, daca ar disparea acestea, as ramane cheala! 🙂 ).

Da, cam asa aratam si in adolescenta, antrenata in discutii filosofice cu colegi, care la timpul respectiv, erau mai interesati de numarul de la sutien… decat de viata si moartea in desertul de „nisip”. (Sorry guys! 😉 😛 )

De fapt, scopul acestui articol nu este acela de a face misto de vechii mei prieteni, desi… dragilor, tot adolescenti ati ramas, pe cinstea mea! 🙂 Si sa va tina viata tot asa! Nimic nu mi se pare mai misto decat sa fii un parinte cu suflet de adolescent. Eu am avut sansa de a avea asemenea parinti si sunt nepretuiti. (Bine… recunosc, tata este adolescentul familiei… caci mama a fost mereu o doamna! Trasneasca sfantul, daca nu-i asa! 🙂 😛 ). Acestia sunt parintii care te ajuta sa „dream big” (in romaneste suna … a titlu de manea 😛 ). Sunt aceia care iti spun ca viata nu s-a terminat o data cu primul „Gigel” care te paraseste pentru una cu sanii mai mari. Sunt aceia care iti spun ca nota nu te face pe tine, dar e bine s-o respecti… caci de ea depinde un viitor mai bun. Sunt aceia care te indeamna in egala masura la bibiloteca si la discoteca (ambele au aceeasi terminatie, deci…. factura e asemanatoare! 😉 😛 ). Sunt aceia care iti puncteaza calitatile la fiecare pas, dar nu te lasa sa iti uiti defectele… caci acelea si dorinta de a le depasi, te fac sa evoluezi. Sunt aceia care te duc la teatru si iti pun carti in cale, sa fie siguri ca „te impiedici” de ele… Sunt aceia care te trezesc dimineata pe acorduri de rock and roll si miros imbietor de cafea (asta doar dupa 17 ani… 😉 ). Sunt aceia care te implica in treburile gospodaresti cu moderatie, caci intraga viata vei fi sclavul propriei tale case… nu e cazul sa incepi prea devreme aceasta corvoada. Sunt aceia care prin persuasiune te fac sa iei deciziile cele mai intelepte. Sunt aceia ale caror mandrie si bucurie copilareasca te fac sa rosesti la fiecare examen reusit, cand te iau in brate si te pupa zgomotos de fata cu tot universul, facandu-te sa simti ca o sa intri in pamant de rusine… (Tati, dar se uita si „Gigel” la noi acum…. 🙁 😛 ). Sunt aceia care iti asculta (si chiar receptioneaza) discursuri interminabile despre cum te-a enervat cutareasca, pentru ca era imbracata cu aceeasi rochie ca a ta la ziua gigelului… si chiar a avut tupeul sa il invite la un blues sub nasul tau practic, sau despre cum prietenul tau cel mai bun, pe care il vezi ca pe un frate, a incercat sa te ia de mana la ultima chindie (termen dobrogean pentru petrecere) la care ati fost… etc.
Sper din tot sufletul, pentru copiii mei in primul rand, sa fiu jumatate din parintii pe care i-am avut eu in acea perioada delicata, dificila, dar esentiala a vietii mele. Sper sa-i pot invata si eu sa „dream big”. 🙂

Legat de tinuta acestui articol, am vrut sa va arat ca „prea mare”… nu inseamna automat „urat”, cand vine vorba de moda. Pantalonii supradimesionati pe care ii port sunt numarul meu, respectiv 36. Este o estetica pe care o recomand cu incredere, deoarece se potriveste foarte bine atat celor firavi, cat si celor mai corpolenti. Important este ca atunci cand purtati o asemenea piesa „declaratie”, sa mentinet stylingul intr-o zona minimalista. Ce am facut eu astazi este la limita permisa, un tricou alb si niste bascheti ar fi fost mult mai potriviti. Dar… nu detin nici un tricou alb simplu. 😮 Trebuie sa indrept aceasta situatie neintarziat. Va pup tare si apasat!


Statue mode on 🙂
A more realistic approach.
The embarrassing moment… 🙂
Above and beyond.

Did you miss an article where the pictures were taken by me? 😛 Me neighter…. 🙂 but Diana is a women who works a lot and whose spare time is limited. She also has a very clever, beautiful and energetic daughter, on the threshold of puberty. I was a problem teenager (wow, how surprising!) with extremely busy, exhausted and worried parents, so I understand both perspectives very well. (Not that there is any comparison between my case and any other case on this earth 🙂 ). The idea is that in time, all good or bad happenings become subjects for fuzzy jokes, said steaming teas or barbeque smoke. Is it not, mommy? 😛 🙂

What kind of adolescence did you have? Were you those shy, studious, retired, quite children passionate about culture and art? Or have you gone „on the dark side of the moon” and drive all those who had the misfortune to get in your way, completly crazy? From my point of view, both variants are equally important in forming a healthy adult. After all, we each choose our way to the destination and at the end of the journey… this is the only one that matters.
My parents had a lot to deal with, when I was passing through puberty and I thank them for the patience, courage and obstinacy with which they have guided me than and now likewise. I do not know why I wanted to share this with you today … but probably the T-shirt I am wearing is to blame. Its message represents for me a „wake up Anna, from the mortal sleep … in which you deepen in the years of capping, routine and indifference, in which you subsided …” I swear, when I wear it, I feel (in spirit only, clearly!) the rebellious teenager, free and full of dreams, who grew up in my parents’ house on the Black Sea coast. I say „in spirit”, because the loin pain does not disappear … and neither the left shoulder’s  … nor the bags under the eyes, nor the deep wrinkle inbetween them … nor the white hairs (God, if they disappear , I would go bald 🙂 ).

This is how I felt back in school, when I was having deep conversation with coleagues… while they were only thinking about the size of my bra… 🙂
 In fact, the purpose of this article is not making fun of my old friends, though … my dear, you are still teenagers! 🙂 And may life keep you that way! Nothing seems to me better than being a „teenage minded” parent. I had the chance of having such parents, and they were a trasure. (Well … I admit, dad is the teenager of the family … because my mother has always been a lady! May God stike me, if not so! 🙂 😛 ). These are the parents who help you „dream big”. They are the ones who tell you that life is not over with the first „Gigel” that leaves you for one with bigger boobs. They are the ones who tell you that notes does not define who you are, but it’s good to respect them … because on them depends a better future. They are the ones who urge you equally to the biblioteque and to the discoteque (both have the same ending, so … the „curricular area” is similar! 😉 😛 ). They are the ones who point your qualities at every step, but do not let you forget the flaws … because those and the desire to overcome them, make you evolve. They are the ones who take you to the theater and put books in your way, to make sure they stop you for a while… They are the ones who wake you up in the morning with rock and rolls music and smell of coffee (that’s only for the ones that already turned 17 ). Those are the ones who engage you in household affairs with moderation, because you will be the slave of your own house all your life … it is not appropriate to start this chore too soon. Those are the ones who through persuasion will make you take the most wise decisions. They are those whose childish joy make you blush at every successful exam, when they take you in their arms and loudly kiss you in front of the whole universe, making you feel like you’re going to die with shame … (Daddy , „Gigel” is looking at us right now…. 🙁 😛 ). They are those who listen (and hear!) your endless speeches about how annoyed a girl made you, because she was wearing the same dress at Gigel’s birthday party… and even had the urge to invite him to a blues, practically under your nose, or how your best friend, whom you see as a brother, tried to gently grab your hand at the last spree you were to … etc.
I hope with all my heart, for my children, that I will be half of the parents I had in that delicate, difficult but essential period of my life. I hope I can also teach them to „dream big”. 🙂
As far as the outfit is concerned, I wanted to show you that „too big” … does not automatically mean „ugly” when it comes to fashion. The oversized trousers I wear are my number, which is 36. It is an aesthetics that I strongly recommend, because it fits very well both thin and  full figures. The important thing is that when you wear such a „statement” piece, you must keep the styling in a minimalist area. What I did today is pushed to the limit, a white T-shirt and some Converse shoes would have been much more appropriate. But … I do not have a simple white T-shirt. 😮 I have to change this situation at once! Kiss you all lound and pressed!

I am wearing

Cos trousers similar here

Calvin Klein Jeans shoes, similar here

The Fresh Made Brand T-shirt

Pull and Bear weste