Astazi a plecat maica-mea inapoi la Constanta. Sufar. Timp de 3 saptamani, nu am gatit si nu am spalat vase. Tot atat timp nu am manifestat nici o durere, junghi sau ameteala. De ieri, au reinceput. 🙂 Ce ti-e si cu creierul acesta… Daca nu ai idee cum sa-l controlezi, te inghite. Al meu e mare, ma cuprinde pe toata. 😛
Este foarte nasol sa nu ai parintii aproape, sau orice fel de alt ajutor. Copiii, oricat de simpatici si iubitori, trebuie impartiti. 😉 Daca un parinte lipseste, indiferent de motiv, trebuie inlocuit de cineva: bunici, o bona, o guvernanta… etc. Iar eu m-am privat singura de acest privilegiu prin simplul fapt ca am ales sa traiesc in Timisoara. Vezi tu, fata, ce fac pentru tine?!? 🙂
„Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!”
Bre, iarna asta pare hotarata sa mai poposeasca. Cand sa zic ca trec la fustite si rochite, ma trimite la rafturile cu tricotaje groase si la umerasele cu paltoane si cojoace. Parca stie ce gandesc si imi face in ciuda. Buuun… Nici o problema, se rezolva!
In weekendul acesta am intrat foarte adanc in dulapul de haine. Atat de adanc, incat am dat peste o pereche de blugi de pe vremea cand eram gravida. 😮 I-am tras pe mine cu multa emotie, privind cu nesat haul creat intre piele si material. „Aci a fost.” Am aruncat o privire peste umar si mi-am privit fiul de 7 ani jumatate in timp ce manuia cu dibacie controllerul de la XBox. Orice mama stie ce zic. 😉
O secunda a durat pana am decis sa-i folosesc intr-o tinuta. Initial am apelat la bretele… Aratam ca Stan. Oricat de mult ma atrag ciudateniile, era prea mult chiar si pentru mine. O curea strans legata in talie a facut minuni insa. Deasupra ei au aparut niste volume simpatice, folosibile intr-o trecere intre registrul inferior si cel superior. Restul e can-can. 🙂
Evident, se puteau folosi niste blugi normali cu talie inalta… Dar eu trebuie sa apelez la „anamarisme” ca sa ma simt bine. 😛 Ce se considera chic in acest inceput de an friguros? Printre altele, paltonul supradimensionat de culoare deschisa, ciocatele, tricotajele si pantalonii cu talie inalta. Bifat! Se mai poarta tinute „all white” realizate insa (culmea!) cu nuante diferite: alb rece (cel „de spital”), alb cald, galbuiuri, cremuri, etc. Rezulta un monocrom „colorat”. 😛 Sa fi avut macar o pereche de cizme in culoare deschisa… as fi prezentat aceasta ultima varianta. Poate dupa ce indrept „aberatia”. 🙂
Saptamana trecuta am fost somata de maica-mea sa merg sa fac ceva cu parul. Cum inca nu am un stilist stabil, mi-a atras atentia faptul ca Hairpond mi-a dat 2 like-uri la niste postari pe Instagram. Am intrat pe pagina lor si m-am programat la Andrei Vas. Rezultatul? Il vedeti in poze. 😉 Mi-a facut un tratament pentru par deteriorat si uscat, apoi m-a tuns. Mi-a placut la nebunie amenajarea spatiului. Am umblat prin multe saloane, inclusiv in Bucuresti, dar acesta mi-a placut cel mai tare. In boxe doar muzica buna, personal simpatic, profesionalism, punctualitate, calitate. Multe epitete dupa care tanjim cand e vorba de servicii de oice fel. Mi-am propus sa mai merg. 😉 Vreau sa imi schimb si culoarea la par. 😛
Sa stiti ca nu avem nici un parteneriat, ii recomand „pe barba mea”. 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!
Today my mother left home to Constanta. I suffer. For three weeks, I did not cook and did not wash any dishes. Also, I did not experience any strange pain, twinge or dizziness. Since yesterday, they have returned. 🙂 That’s the thing with the brain… If you have no idea how to control it, it swallows you. Mine’s pretty big, it can swallow me from one bite. 😛 (I told you many times before, I have hypochondria.)
It is very bad not to have your parents in town, or any other help. Children, however friendly and loving, should be cared for in two. 😉 If a parent is missing, for whatever reason, he has to be replaced by someone: grandparents, a nanny, a governess … etc. And I was deprived of this privilege by the simple fact that I chose to live in Timisoara. Do you see, „girl”, what I do for you?!? 🙂
„Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!”
People, this winter seems to be determined to stay! When I decide to wear skirts and dresses, it sends me to the knit shelves and to the hangers with warm coats. It seems to know what I think and it’s doing in spite of me. Good … No problem, I can handle this!
This weekend I went „very deep” into the closet. So deep that I came across a pair of jeans since I was pregnant. 🙂 I putted them on with a lot of excitement, looking at the large space created between the skin and the material. „Here he was.” I glanced over my shoulder and looked at my seven-year-old son as he handled the XBox controller with mastery. Every mother feels me. 😉
It took me one second to decide to use them in an outfit. Firts I tried with some hangers … I looked like Stan. No matter how much I love weird stuff, it was too much even for me. A belt tightened on the waist did wonders. Some nice volumes appeared above my waist, usable as a passage between the lower and upper registers. The rest is can-can. 🙂
Obviously, I could have used some high-waisted regular jeans … But I have use some „anamarisms” (form my name, Anamaria) to feel good. 😛 What is chic in the beginning of this cold year? Among other things, the oversized lightcolored coats, cowboy boots, knitwear and high waisted pants. All checked! More winter fashion, what can we do? There are also „all white” outfits made with the different shades: cold white (like the „hospital” one), warm white, light yellows, creams, etc. A „colorful” monochrome, right? 😛 Have I had at least a pair of light boots … I would have presented this last variant. Maybe after I deal with this „aberration”. 😉
Last week my mother begged me to go and do something about my hair. As I still do not have a stable stylist, I was drawn to the fact that Hairpond gave me 2 likes to some Instagram posts. I got on their page and scheduled a haircut with Andrei Vas. The outcome? You see it in the pictures. 😉 I was given a treatment for damaged and dry hair, then I got a chic haircut. I liked the arrangement of their space. I went to many saloons, including in Bucharest, but this one I liked the most. In the speakers only good music, nice people, professionalism, punctuality, quality. Many epithets that we look for when it comes to services. I plan to go again. 😉 I want to change my hair color too. 😛
We have no partnership, this is a personal reccomendation. 🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed!
I was wearing
Gil Bret coat
Killah knit pullover (from Textile House)
vintage Gucci bag and cowboy boots
photos taken by HD Photography