
In acest weekend are loc festivalul de muzica Neversea, fratele mai mic al deja celebrului Untold, aflat la prima editie. Avand in vedere ca are loc in orasul in care am crescut, simt o oarecare mandrie. 🙂 In sfarsit se intampla ceva si in Constanta! Pana acum doi ani, cam tot ce s-a investit in aceasta zona de litoral, s-a directionat catre statiunea Mamaia. Era timpul sa aiba si Constanta parte de atentia cuvenita. Este evident ca implicatiile negative ale acestui eveniment exista si vor fi resimtite din plin, in special de catre locuitorii orasului: mizerie, galagie, circulatie blocata (deja s-a anuntat interzicerea totala a circulatiei auto pe o zona uriasa in jurul plajelor Modern si Trei Papuci), dar pana la urma, nu risti, nu castigi! 😛

M-am gandit sa va prezint outfit-ul in care as merge eu la acest festival (din nefericire, vineri seara plec spre Timisoara… sau ma rog, nu e din nefericre deloc! 🙂 ). Pentru cei ce si-au cumparat bilete, sa va uitati neaparat pe filmuletul cu to do/ not to do  de pe site-ul festivalului, deoarece sunt multe lucruri pe care sa tineti cont, inclusiv cand va compuneti tinuta: geanta nu trebuie sa depaseasca dimensiunea unui A4 (eu va recomand cu tarie borsetele), aveti voie sa faceti ziua baie in mare, deci indicat ar fi sa aveti costumul de baie pe voi, crema solara este obligatorie, precum si ceva pe cap, care sa va fereasca de insolatie. Incercati sa va luati in picioare pantofi de sport sau tenisi, nu va hazardati in papuci, slapi sau sandale, ca s-ar putea sa aveti surprize neplacute, de la scoici ascutite pana la cioburi de sticla… Eu am optat pentru pantaloni scurti din denim (cam scurti… 🙂 , dar nu am avut altii cu mine la mare), un top foarte scurt si o vesta lunga, extrem din subtire din denim, care sa imi permita sa ma asez nestingherita pe nisip, sa imi ascunda „infimele” 😉  defecte ale coapselor de „37 de ani si doi copii” 🙂 😛 si care sa imi asigure acel aspect chic-fresh ce-mi „ia” 10 ani din varsta afisata in buletin. 🙂 Una peste alta, incercati sa nu va supra-imbracati, dar nici sa mergeti doar in costum de baie! Mi-ar fi placut sa ne intalnim pe acolo… dar promit ca la anul, nimic nu ma va tine departe de acest festival! Distractie placuta, dragii mei! Pup la voi tare si apasat! 🙂


This weekend, the Neversea music festival happenes, the younger brother of the already famous Untold and it’s its first edition! Considering that it’s happening in the city where I grew up, I feel a bit of pride. 🙂 Finally something is happening in Constanta! Until two years ago, everything that has been invested in this seaside area, was directed to Mamaia. It was time for Constanta to have the right attention. It is obvious that the negative implications of this event exist and will be felt in full, especially by the inhabitants of the city: waste, noise, blocked traffic (it was already announced the total ban of mobile traffic on a huge area around Modern and Trei Papuci Beaches), but sfter all, if one doesn’t risk, yone doesn’t win!  😛

I thought of presenting you the outfit I would go to this festival (unfortunately, on Friday evening I return to Timisoara … or, more exactly, that’s not unfortunate at all! 🙂 ).  Those of you who have bought tickets, please check the to do / not to do movie on the festival site, because there are many things to keep in mind, including when compiling the outfit: the bag should not exceed the size of an A4 (I strongly recommend borsetts), you are allowed to make bath in the sea during the day, so you should have a  bathing suit on, sun cream is mandatory, and something on your head, to keep you from headache and fever. Try to take on sports shoes or sneakers, do not go in slippers or sandals, because you may have unpleasant surprises, like sharp clams to glass fragments … I opted for denim shorts (a little too short … 🙂 , but I did not have others with me), a very short top and a long denim vest, extremely thin, to allow me to sit unspoilt on the sand, hide the „minor” 😉 defects of the „37-year-old and two-child” thighs 😛 and to assure that chic-fresh look that takes 10 years off my official age. 🙂 Most importantly,  try not to over-dress, but do not just go there in a swimsuit! I would have liked to meet you on the beach… but I promise that next year, nothing will keep me away from this festival! Have fun, dear ones! Kiss you all hard and pressed! 🙂

I am wearing

Bolla denim vest

D&G denim shorts, similar here

Skechers sports shoes

Bijou Brigitte armband, ring and sunglasses

H&M earrings

Seeberger cap

Photos by Marian Sarbu