
Sunt acasa! „Acasa” unde am crescut, acasa… caci mai am un „acasa” la vreo 860km departare de aici. 🙂 Deja am trait in atat de multe locuri, incat ai putea crede ca m-am dezradacinat. Nope, radacina mea va fi mereu aici, la 100 de metri de mare, in micutul dar cochetul apartament al parintilor mei. Am ajuns doar de doua zile si deja am bateriile incarcate la maxim, m-am revazut cu multi prieteni, am iesit la bere in fiecare seara, am tras doua ture de shopping, am mers cu pruncii la film, am facut o schimbare completa de look  (despre care astept pareri in comment-uri! 😛 )… cam cat as fi facut in Timisoara in doua luni. 🙂 Energia se consuma altfel aici, timpul trece mai repede, dar ciudat este ca „imbatranind”, mai copila ma simt… Cred ca asta se va vedea foarte bine in pozele acestei postari! 🙂

Despre tinuta? Cred ca este evident ca sursa de inspiratie a fost chiar ea, marea… Rochia este primita cadou de ziua mea anul trecut, nu am purtat-o niciodata, asteptam sa o integrez intr-o tinuta, dar cumva… aici la mal de mare, parca si-a gasit singura locul. Recomand tipul acesta de decolteu/top fetelor care au sanii mici, categorie din care fac si eu parte cu succes. 🙂 Si mandra! 😉 Triunghiurile care se prelungesc mult catre partile laterale ale bustului, creeaza iluzia optica neserara obtinerii unui numar in plus la sutien. 😉 Go for it! Un alt sfat in privinta alegerii rochiilor maxi: sa le cumparati pe cele care sunt atat de lungi, incat matura pamantul cand pasiti! Va lungesc considerabil silueta, va fac mai suple, iar daca trebuie sa le purtati cu tocuri (desi eu nu recomand),  alegeti sandale cu platforma. Ca si forma, rochia pe care o port eu este de tip „empire” si o recomand cu caldura, deoarece feminizeaza, mascheaza o eventuala lipsa de talie sau niste solduri si coapse prea late. Este tipul de rochie purtat de eroinele „austen-iene” (Jane Austen), una din scriitoarele mele preferate – evident, in varianta actualizata. 🙂

Accesoriile sunt in totalitate cumparate de la https://www.facebook.com/bijoubrigitte. Oare ce trebuie sa facem ca sa apara un magazin al acestui brand si in Timisoara??!! Sunt gablonturi de calitate, de o varietate ce depaseste orice imaginatie, preturile sunt mai mult decat accesibile (pe tot ce port am dat cam 80 de Ron) si nu mi-au provocat niciodata vreo alergie (sunt extrem de alergica la tot ce nu este aur sau argint). Cel putin cerceii „coada de paun” sunt bestiali! Iar acum ca am parul scurt, se si vad! 🙂  Cat stau la Constanta, o sa am grija sa imi asigur „stash-ul” de „Brigitte” pentru tot anul. 🙂

Pantofii sport, in combinatie cu rochia acesta, m-au dus cu gandul la filmul Runaway Bride cu Julia Roberts in rol principal. 🙂 In recomand celor ce nu au apucat sa il vada, merge intr-o seara calda de vara, printre pahare de Gin Tonic sau Campari Orange. 🙂

Ii multumesc taticului meu pentru poze, iar pe voi va pup tare si apasat de la mal de mare, sub baie de soare, glasuri de pescarusi si expozitie de trupuri zacande pe plaja… 😉 😛


I’m home! „Home” where I grew up… because I have another „home” about 860 km away from here. 🙂 I’ve already lived in so many places that you might think I lost my origins. Nope, my roots will always be here, 100 meters from the sea, in the little but charming apartment of my parents. I have been here only two days and I already have the batteries fully loaded, I saw many friends, I went out for a beer every night, I took two shopping tours, I went with my kids to the movies,  made a complete change of look (about which I expect comments  😛 ) … as I would have done in Timisoara in two months. 🙂 The energy is consumed differently here, the time passes faster, but strangely , the older I get, the more childish I feel… I think you will see this in today’s pictures ! 🙂

About the outfit? I think it is obvious that the source of inspiration was the sea herself … The dress was a gift on my birthday last year, I never wored it, I tried to integrate it into outfits before, but somehow … here by  the sea,  it naturally found a context. I recommend this type of decolletage to girls with small breasts, category of which, I also make successfuly part of. 🙂 And proud! 😉 The triangles that stretch far beyond the sides of the bust, create the optic illusion of getting an extra number on the bra. 😉  Go for it! Another advice on choosing maxi dresses: buy those that are so long that, they get to the ground when you step! A maxi dress will considerably stretch your silhouette, make you more supple, and if you have to wear them with heels (although I do not recommend), choose platform sandals. The dress I wear is an”empire” shaped one and I recommend it with warmth because it makes you more feminine, masks a possible lack of waist or some big hips and tighs. It’s the type of dress worn by the „austen-ian” heroes (Jane Austen), one of my favorite writers – obviously in the updated version. 🙂

The accessories are totally bought from https://www.facebook.com/bijoubrigitte. What do we have to do so that they will open a store of this brand in Timisoara too ??! They are quality goblins, of a variety that surpasses any imagination, the prices are more than affordable (for everything I am wearing today I payed 80 Ron) and never caused me any allergies (I am extremely allergic to everything that is not gold or silver). At least the „peacock” earrings are awsome! And now that I have short hair, people can also see them! 🙂 As I stay in Constanta, I’ll take care of assuring my Brigitte „stash” for a whole year. 🙂

The scombination between sport shoes and this dress, made me think of the Runaway Bride movie with Julia Roberts in the leading role. 🙂 I recommend it to those who have not seen it till now, it goes well to a hot summer evening, among glasses of Gin Tonic or Orange Campari. 🙂

I thank my father for the pictures, and to you I send strong and pressed kisses from the sea shore, under strong sun „showers”, voices of seagulls and lots ofbody exhibitions on the beach … 😉 😛

I am wearing

Object dress – I found a similar one (although not „empire” style) here

Bijou Brigitte peackock earrings and armbands

Skechers sports shoes – here

Avanglion sunglasses – similar here

Photos by Marian Sarbu