
Cunoasteti moda cu „giveaway-urile” de pe Instagram? A devenit cel mai puternic instrument de marketing pe aceasta platforma. Si mai stiti ceva? Mi se pare o gaselnita geniala. Personal, nu ratez nici macar unul. 🙂 Iar pana in prezent am avut sansa sa castig doua dintre ele, intamplator amandoua orientate pe zona de „fashion” si nu pe „beauty”, cum sunt in majoritate. Primul a fost hanoracul statement de la Baden11 cu care am fost si la Timisoara Fashion Week (il puteti vedea in articolul precedent), iar cel de-al doilea a constat in combinatia fresh de tricou unisex Meet Alexa si cercei cu motive tribale executati  „manualmente”,  amandoua gasindu-se spre comercializare la thrift-shopul Holla Tombabe, un loc pe care am avut placerea sa-l descopar cu real entuziasm. Partea si mai interesanta in toata „combinatia” este ca personajul de pe tricou poarta exact aceeasi pereche de cercei, realizandu-se in acest fel o compozitie inedita. Purtate separat isi pierd 50% din farmec.

Este o combinatie care se potriveste de minune cu ideea de festival, de vara, de concediu… Materialul tricoului este foarte placut: un bumbac gros, cu tinuta, care confera o mult dorita volumetrie. Arata impecabil.
In partea de jos am ales ca port o pereche de pantaloni palazzo din matase, cu talie foarte inalta. M-a fascinat fluiditatea materialului in miscare, si contrastul cu „robustetea” tricoului. 🙂 Dar… am probat si cu o niste pantaloni din denim model „mom” si arata la fel de ok.
Pentru festivaluri, recomand sa combinati la acest tricou niste pantaloni scurti din denim cu talie inalta si ciocate, eventual cu ceva de inspiratie military pe cap.
Se mai preteaza la deja clasicii „modelatori” negri, sacou barbatesc supradimensionat, borseta purtata oblic pe un umar sau in talie, dar peste sacou… si pantofi kitten heels… V-am bagat in ceata? 😛 Sau pur si simplu v-am „luminat”? Astept intrebari si sugestii. 😉

Uitandu-ma la poze, nu pot sa nu observ felul in care cerceii danseaza pur si simplu in jurul fetei mele, parand ca au o viata a lor. Sunt executati dintr-un lemn foarte usor, ce le confera aceasta proprietate. Imi plac. Dealtfel, mi-a placut tot ce am vazut in mare fuga insa, la studioul fetelor de la Tombabe. Mi-am promis ca data viitoare il voi vizita „cu timp” la mine. Este pacat… un real pacat sa il ratati. Este un loc unde piese vintage de calitate convietuiesc alaturi de creatii artistice cu iz declarativ, un retro-fashion asumat, adaptat la mediul urban actual. Realmente misto. Le gasiti cu hashtagul antifit si ungendered.
Atentie insa, va sfatuiesc sa consultati programul de functionare, pentru ca nu este deschis zilnic si… nu este nici usor de gasit, nefiind indicat in nici un fel la nivelul strazii. Cel mai sigur: scrieti-le fetelor pe Instagram pentru lamuriri despre locatie si orele de functionare. Sunt prompte. 😉

Shootingul trebuia sa aiba loc intr-un lan de lavanda… Dar am realizat ca autonomia masinii mele electice nu imi permite sa fac drumul pana acolo fara stres, asa ca am ales sa pun in evidenta tricoul in contextul macilor de pe langa calea ferata. Am fost „a pop of yellow” in mijloc  de „poppies”. 😛

Sper ca v-a placut articolul si ca l-ati gasit instructiv. 😉 Don’t cease to amaze, girls!!!


Do you know all the „giveaways” on Instagram? It has become the most powerful marketing tool on this platform. And you know something? I find it a brilliant find! Personally, I hardly even miss one. 🙂 And so far I had the chance to win two of them, both of them randomly oriented towards the „fashion” area and not on „beauty”, as they mostly are. The first was the Baden11 statement hoodie, which I wore also at  Timisoara Fashion Week (you can see it in the previous article), and the second one is the fresh combination of hand-painted unisex Meet Alexa T-shirt and tribal-style earrings , also hand-executed. Both are being sold at Holla Tombabe’s thrift-shop, a place I had the pleasure of truly discovering with enthusiasm. The most interesting part of the „combination” is that the character on the T-shirt carries exactly the same pair of earrings, making it an interesting composition. Worn separately, each loses 50% of the charm.

It is a combination that fits wonderfully with the idea of summer festivals or holidays … The T-shirt’s material is very pleasant: a thick cotton, which gives a much desired volumetry. It looks impeccable.
At the bottom I chose a pair of silk palazzo pants very high- waisted. I was fascinated by the fluidity of the material in movement, and the contrast with the „robustness” of the t-shirt. 🙂 But … I also combined it with some „mom” denim jeans and looks just as good.
For festivals, I recommend combining this jersey with high-waisted denim shorts and cowboy boots, possibly with some military inspired head piece.
It is even more suitable for the already „classic” black biker shorts, the oversized masculine jacket, the little waist-bag we all seem to wear these days … and some kitten heels … Do you see what am I talking about?! I’m waiting for questions and suggestions. 😉

Looking at the pictures, I can not help seeing the way the earrings simply dance around my face, seeming to have a life of their own. They are made of very light wood, which gives them this property. Big like. Besides, I liked everything I saw in the comfy space at the Tombabe girls’ studio. I promised myself that next time I will visit, I will „take time” with me. It’s a sin … a real pity to miss this place. It is a location where quality vintage pieces coexist with artistic creations with declarative, retro-fashioned vibe, adapted to the current urban environment. Really cool. You find them with antifit and ungendered hashtag.
But, I advise you to review the program because it is not open daily and … it is not easy to find. It is not indicated in any way at the street level. Tip: write the girls on Instagram for location and opening hours. They are prompt. 😉

The shooting was supposed to take place on a lavender field … But I realized that the autonomy of my electric car does not allow me to make the trip there without stress, so I chose to highlight the shirt in the context of the poppies near the railway . I was a „pop of yellow” in the middle of „poppies”. 😛

I hope you liked the article and found it instructive. 😉 Do not cease to amaze, girls !!!

I was wearing

Holla Tombabe and Dusky Art T-shirt – Meet Alexa

L’Aura earrings

Glamourous palazzo pants

Frankie’s Garage bag

Loboutin shoes

Epica sunglasses

Photos by HD Photography