
Buna dragile mele si dragii mei! In primul rand, vreau sa imi cer scuze pentru calitatea destul de precara a pozelor… am iesit sa le facem putin cam tarziu, mai exact dupa ora 8… si nu este vara inca. 🙁 Dar, a existat o parte buna si in acest rateu: am descoperit locuri in noul meu oras, aflate la o aruncatura de bat de casa in care locuim si de care habar n-am avut pana in seara aceasta. Initial, vorbisem cu Diana sa mergem pe malul Begai, undeva la iesirea catre aeroport (cred ca o sa ajungem acolo maine 😉 ), dar s-a intamplat o schimbare de planuri la ea si am fost nevoite sa gasim o locatie la noi in cartier. Pozele sunt facute langa Hotelul Aurora din apropiere de Shopping City Timisoara, unde exista un lac, o sala de sport acoperita si cateva terenuri de tenis adiacente, un restaurant pitoresc amplasat partial pe apa, foisoare ample care pot adaposti diverse petreceri sau serbari… si multe alte cotloane, bancute si carari, ideale pentru intalniri la ceas de seara… 🙂 😛

Sunt abonata la The Discoverer de ceva vreme si in ultimele saptamani am tot primit articole si oferte cu diverse croaziere de pe intreg mapamondul, una mai ofertanta ca cealalta. 🙂 O fi vreun semn…? Pacat ca am rau de mare, ca in rest… nu as zice nu la asa ceva, sub nici o foarma. 😉 Au reusit insa sa-mi  induca o stare, care s-a reflectat perfect in tinuta acestei zile. Mi s-au perindat astazi prin creier toate colectiile marilor case de moda numite „Cruise collection”, pe care le-am admirat prin reviste de-a lungul timpului.. Le stiti? Chanel are… la fel si Gucci, Dior, YSL, sau Burberry. Stiti ce au cam toate in comun? Printuri, materiale vaporoase, palarii si saboti cu toc mic, de tipul kitten heels, sau… pantofi cu platforma. Tinutele sunt lejere, dominate de bumbac, poplin, panza sau matase.

M-am ferit toata viata de combinatii intre printuri de factura diferita, pentru ca este o arta ce trebuie stapanita foarte bine… Este foarte usor sa greseti cand incerci asa ceva. Va spun cu mana pe inima, ca nu sunt multumita decat in proportie de 90% de ce am facut astazi, dar… nu risti, nu castigi! Daca pantalonii ar fi avut si o nuanta de albastru marin in cadrul „picturii” pe care o prezinta, ceva care sa ii lege putin cu partea superiora dominata de aceasta culoare, compozitia ar fi aratat infinit mai bine. 🙂 Nu detin multe piese vestimentare cu print mare, le prefer pe cele fine. Partea frumoasa este ca, atunci cand esti in vacanta la mal de mare, sau pe mare… 😉 , greselile legate de combinatii mai putin reusite de materiale sunt mult diminuate de vibe-ul general al situatiei, cam pe acelasi principiu dupa care functioneaza zicala: „noaptea, toate pisicile sunt negre”.  🙂

In afara de saboti si geanta (doar partial), tot ce port are un print mai mult sau mai putin „lizibil”. Dungile, punctele si „tabla de sah” merg minunat impreuna, nu e nici o greseala in a le combina. Problema apare cand mixam cu acestea un print floral. Sfatul meu sincer este ca acesta sa se rezume la o singura piesa vestimentara si sa fie intr-o coloristica cat mai neutra. Asa vad eu lucrurile. Daca gresesc, o sa va rog sa imi spuneti. 😉 🙂

In Timisoara este foarte cald… si implicit, gandul fiecarui cetatean zboara catre vacanta de vara. Haideti ca mai avem putin dragii mei, hang in there!! 😉 Va pup tare si apasat!


Hello dear ones! First of all, I want to apologize for the rather poor quality of the pictures today … we went out to take them a bit too late, more accurate after 8 o’clock … and it’s not summer yet. 🙁 But there was a good part in this unfulfilment: I found places in my new town, really close to the house I live in and which I had no idea even existed, until tonight. Initially, I was talking to Diana to go on Bega (a river in Timisoara), not where we usually go, but somewhere at the airport exit of the city (I think we’ll go there tomorrow;) ), but there was a change of plans on her side and we were forced to find a location in our neighborhood. The pictures are taken near Aurora Hotel, a place in close vecinity to Shopping City Timisoara, where there is a lake, a covered gymnasium and some adjacent tennis courts, a picturesque restaurant half placed on the water, large pavilions, that can accommodate various parties or celebrations … and many other hollows, benches and trails, ideal for romantic encounters… 🙂 😛

I have been a subscriber to The Discoverer for some time now and in the last few weeks, I have received articles and offers with various cruises all over the world, one more offerings than the other. 🙂 Is this a sign …? It’s a shame that I have seasikness, because… I would never say no to something like this! 😉 They managed to bring me a mood, that is perfectly reflected in this day’s outfit. Today, all the collections of the great fashion houses called „Cruise Collection” that I have seen through magazines over the years, paraded through my brain. Do you know them? Chanel has them … so does Gucci, Dior, YSL, or Burberry. Do you know what they all have in common? Prints, vaporous materials, hats and low heel sabots, such as kitten heels, or … shoes with platform. The cloths are light, dominated by cotton, poplin, canvas or silk.

I always try not to play by mixing different prints, because it is an art that must be mastered very well … It is very easy to mistake when you try this artifice. I am telling you straight,  I am only 90% happy with what I did today, but … no risk, no win! If the trousers had a hue of marine blue in that „painting” on them, something that would have binded them to the upper part, dominated by this color, the composition would have been infinitely better. 🙂 I do not own many „big prints” items, I prefer the fine ones. The beautiful part is that when you are on a sea shore vacation, or on the sea … 😉 , such mistakes are greatly diminished by the general vibe of the situation, about the same principle that works for : „At night, all cats are black.” 🙂

Beside the sabots and partialy the bag, all the outfit has more or less „readable” print. Strips, dots and „chessboard” prints work great together, there’s no mistake in combining them. The problem occurs when we mix them with a floral print. My sincere advice is to use only one piece of clothing and to keep it in neutral colors. That’s just how I see it. If I’m wrong, do tell me, please! 😉 🙂

It is very warm in Timisoara … and implicitly, the thought of every inhabitant flies to the summer vacation. Or is it just me??!! 🙂  Little more to go dear friends, hang in there !! 😉 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

H&M top, here the one from the actual collection

Marc Cain trousers, some that work to the top print, here

Hat from Peek and Cloppenburg

vintage sabots, similar here

similar bag here