
De pe vremea cand… viata era roz si nu priveam lumea printre smocuri de breton. 🙂

Spun „smocuri”, deoarece bretonul  nu-mi va sta niciodata precum Cleopatrei… 🙂 Pentru un asemenea efect, exista peruci.
Buna ziua dragile mele si dragii mei! Stiu ca am lipsit mult din online, ceea ce nu face bine nici blogului, nici mie personal. Probabil voi ati respirat usurati, insa… 😉 Devin usor sufocanta cu postarile si tocmai am aflat ca… ar trebui sa postez de 3 ori mai mult pentru a beneficia de niste avantaje la cautari si afisari pe Google. Pazea, ca urmeaza!! 😉  Absenta s-a datorat unor probleme de ordin tehnic, care tocmai s-au rezolvat. Sunt in Timisoara si usor, usor, imi reiau viata de mama de scolari/ blogger de moda/ scriitor amator, iar ca o noutate, de arhitect. Imi caut de lucru dragii mei. Daca stiti vreun birou de arhitectura care angajeaza sau care cauta colaboratori  (varianta ce mi-ar conveni infinit mai mult, caci lucrez cu randament maxim noaptea), va rog mult sa ma anuntati. Nu am crezut ca voi mai profesa vreodata aceasta meserie, dar iata cum viata face ca anumite lucruri sa devina inevitabile. 🙂 As mai fi interesata si de colaborari cu diverse publicatii de moda, sau chiar cu firme de marketing si publicitate, caci am idei faine si originale despre cum se pot pune in valoare anumite produse sau servicii.

Neavand internet, am fost oarecum nevoita sa fac putina ordine in fisierele laptop-ului. Nu ca as fi vrut acest lucru, dar din lipsa de ocupatie. Am dat peste multe poze facute impreuna cu Diana, pe care nu le-am materializat in articole. Rusine, Ana! 😛 Poate de lene, poate de oboseala, poate din lipsa de mijloace tehnice, egal de ce… scuzele sunt doar acuze. Sunt ultimele poze facute de Diana in calitate de fotograf amator, caci exact in perioada aceasta face un curs intensiv de fotografie. Sunt foarte mandra de ea si de obstinatia cu care isi urmareste visul. Abia astept sa gust roadele acestei nebunii, dar mai ales… sa va las pe voi sa le apreciati. 🙂

On top.

Mie imi plac si aceste fotografii. Ma plac in ele. La Constanta m-am reintalnit cu un coleg care lucreaza in domeniul media si care m-a sfatuit sa imi gasesc o fata fotograf-profesionist cu care sa colaborez. Neaparat o fata. 🙂 Probabil un barbat m-ar intimida, sau m-ar face sa par mai nenaturala. Si ar fi din vina mea. In prezenta barbatilor, am un comportament usor schimbat, de cele mai multe ori flirtez sau tind „sa ma dau mare”. Este o tara a zodiei, nu am cum sa ma impotrivesc povestilor scrise in stele… 😛 🙂 Cu Diana, sunt in varianta mea basic, reala.
Exista doua fotografe timisoarene pe care le urmaresc cu mult interes si cu care mi-ar placea sa am colaborari ocazionale pe viitor: Amalia Gaita si Simona Nutu. Cu cea din urma este foarte posibil sa ma intersectez in cadrul unui proiect viitor, pe care il astept cu multa anticipatie. Nu va zic despre ce este vorba, va fi o surpriza, sper cat mai placuta.


Ne-am „pozat” la Craft Rooftop & Restaurant, un loc cu belvedere asupra Pietei Operei – centrul nevralgic al Timisoarei, indraznesc sa afirm chiar, al intregului Banat. Am baut o cafea pe inspiranta terasa si ne-am bucurat de o dimineata feerica, mirosinda a rozuri, a vant domol, a pregatiri de festival (urma sa se desfasoare festivalul de jazz), a soare si a prietenii pe viata. La restaurant nu am fost inca 😛 , dar daca ma invita careva… promit ca nu refuz! 🙂 Si chiar de nu ma invitati, tot va pup pe toti foarte tare si apasat, cum ii sade bine unei oltence sadea. Ramane intre noi! 😉

Mai sus.
Lumini si umbre.


Back in the days when life was pink and my forehead was uncovered… 🙂

Hello my dear dear ones! I know my „online” break was kind of too long, which does not do well either to the blog or to me, personally. A few of you may have enjoyed my absence though … 😉 cause I’m slightly suffocating with posts and on top of that, I just found that … I have to post 3 times more often, in order to get some advantages with  Google. So, beware dear friends! : ) The absence was due to technical problems that have just been solved. I’m in Timisoara and easily, I resume my „mother of school children” / fashion blogger / amateur writer and as a novelty, my architect life. I’m looking for work, gents. If you know any architectural office that hires or seeks collaborators (the variant that I would enjoy better, because I work with maximum efficiency at night time), please let me know. I did not think I would ever work as an architect again, but here’s how life makes things inevitable. 🙂 I would also be interested in collaborations with various fashion publications, or even with marketing and advertising companies, because I have some fine and original ideas about how to highlight certain products or services.

Having no internet connection, I was somewhat forced to clean some of the laptop files. Not that I wanted it, but because of  lack of occupation. I came across many pictures taken together with Diana, which I did not materialize into articles. Shame on you, Ana! 😛 Maybe because of laziness, maybe fatigue, perhaps due to lack of technical means, any… excuses are just accusations. These are the last pictures taken by Diana as an amateur photographer, because during this period, she is taking an intensive photo shooting course. I am very proud of her and the obstinacy with which she pursues her dreams. I can not wait to taste the fruits of this madness, but especially … to let you appreciate them. 🙂

The „on top” situation… 🙂

I like these photos of hers too. I like myself in them. In Constanta, I met with an old colleague of mine, who works in the media field and who advised me to find a girl professional photographer to collaborate with. He said it was imperrative that the photographer was a girl. 🙂 Probably a man would intimidate me, or he would make me seem more unnatural. And it would be my fault. In the presence of men, I have a slightly changed behavior, I often flirt or tend to „show off”. It is a deffect of my zodiac sign, I can not stand against stories written long before my time in the stars … 😛 🙂 With Diana, I am in my basic, real version.
There are two girl photographers from Timisoara, that I follow with much interest and with whom I would like to have occasional collaborations in the future: Amalia Gaita and Simona Nutu. With the latter, it is very possible to intersect in a future project, that I am looking forward to with much anticipation. I will not say what it is, it will be a surprise, I hope a pleasant one.

Craft Rooftop and Restaurant. Visit Timisoara!!

The shooting was at Craft Rooftop & Restaurant, a place with a view of the Opera Square – the nevralgic center of Timisoara, I dare say, even of the entire Banat (region in the South-West of Romania). We drank coffee on the inspiring terrace and enjoyed a festive morning, smelling of flowers, of soft winds, of preparations for the festival (the jazz festival was going to take place), sunshine and lifetime friendships. I din not eat yet in the restaurant :P, but if someone invites me … I promise I will not refuse! 🙂 And even if you do not invite me, I will still kiss you loud and hard, as a trully girl from Oltenia would do! (region in Romania, where women are well known for posessing strong voices and temper). This is our dirty little secret, ok? 😉

I am wearing

Please Jeans

Stones by Steilmann jacket

Cinti shoes

Vero Moda T-Shirt

vintage bag

Photos courtesy Handra Diana

A flower among others… 🙂