Sunt posesoare de claie. De claie de par. In speta, parul meu arata in realitate exact cum il vedeti in postarea de astazi. 🙂 M-am spalat si m-am uscat, fara sa folosesc pieptene sau perie… acesta este secretul. Stiu ca nu-mi sta rau asa, dimpotriva… mi s-a spus ca ma intinereste mult, dar este o freza cu care palariile nu rimeaza. Iar eu sunt, inainte de toate, Ana Palarie 😉 .
Un motiv in plus pentru care am avut tupeu sa-mi las parul 100% natural, a fost acela ca de cand ma spal cu samponul hidratant Gerovital Plant, parca mi-au revenit buclele de alta data… cele dinaintea placii de intins parul, a filatului, coafatului si spalatului excesive. Nu stiu ce efect are asupra parului cu fir subtire, lipsit de tinuta, dar va garantez ca face minuni parului cu fir gros si aspect sarmos. Pentru un efect potentat, folosesc si balsamul aferent acestui sampon. Le gasiti in orice supermarket, sau la reprezentantele Gerovital si Farmec… iar pretul este mai mult decat accesibil.
In tinuta de astazi, va povestesc putin despre 2 trenduri de primavara propuse de Glamour: culorile pastelate si fasul, despre care v-am zis deja de PREA multe ori… 🙂 Ce sa-i faci, imi place la nebunie! Mea culpa. Hanoracul de ploaie pe care il port este al sotului meu si imi vine ca o rochie larga si lunga pana aproape de genunchi. 😛 L-am indoit si l-am bagat in partea din fata a pantalonilor, iar la spate l-am lasat liber. Au rezultat niste volume faine in zona soldurilor. Acesta este minunatul avantaj al fasului: este un material care permite jocuri frumoase de volume. Iata de ce imi place atat de mult! Insa… vorba aceea: iubesc fasul, dar urasc fasaitorii! 🙂 Zgomotul de fond care te insoteste in momentul in care decizi sa imbraci asa ceva, este o grea piatra de incercare pentru cei cu nervii slabi… Asta asa, ca pont extracurricular. 😉
Va sfatuiesc sa va cumparati in aceasta primavara, cel putin un cardigan lung si pufos in culori pastelate. Se va dovedi excelent pentru dimineti sau seri racoroase si pentru aerul conditionat de la birou sau din masina. Al meu are deja 4 ani… :0 Dar nu il dau pe nici unul nou! Pantalonii model barbatesc sunt de la Zara, dar nu de anul acesta. S-au purtat mult acum vreo 2 ani, iar mie imi vin foarte bine… asa ca o sa continui sa-i port. Sunt intr-un pepit foarte fin, de aici si senzatia de „valuri” din poze. 🙂 Fug ochii! Nici pantofii model „budapester” nu sunt recent achizitionati, dar… ii gasiti inca prin toate magazinele, exact in nuante pastel: bleu, roz pal, gri colorat. Sunt foarte comozi si ideali pentru tinute de mers la munca sau la plimbare prin oras.
Imi place foarte mult luciul fasului si felul in care acesta este incadrat de matul puloverului pufos. A combina materiale diferite este un artificiu stylish la care puteti apela oricand cu incredere. A, iar daca decideti sa purtati o tinuta de inspiratie maculina, asa cum am facut eu azi, este bine sa aveti si un element „profund” feminin in aceasta… Fie pantofi cu toc, fie un decolteu adanc si provocator, fie o coafura cat mai feminina. Daca apelati la un wet-look, e musai sa aveti niste pantofi cu toc si buze rosii, pentru a contrabalansa incarcatura „testosteronica” a tinutei. 🙂 😛 Va pup tare si apasat!
I own a stack. A hair-stack. My hair looks in reality, exactly the way you see it in today’s post. 🙂 I washed and dried it, without using a comb or a brush … that’s the secret. I know I do not look bad like this, on the contrary … I was told that it rejuvenates me a lot, but this is a bad haircut for wearing hats on. And I am, above all, Ana Palarie (Hat) 😉 .
One more reason I had the guts to leave my hair 100% natural today, was that… since I wash it with the Gerovital Plant Moisturizing Shampoo, it seem like the loops I had long ago …Â before the hair straightner, the excessive hairdressing and washing, are coming back to me. I do not know what effect it has on thin hair, but I guarantee that it does wonders for thick hair. For a more powerful effect, I also use the Gerovital conditioner. You can find them in any supermarket, or at Gerovital and Farmec stores … and the price is more than affordable.
In today’s outfit, I will tell you a little about two Glamor Spring Trends: pastel colors and… windbreakers, which I have already told you about so many times … 🙂 What can I do, I love them! Mea culpa. The hooded rain coat that I wear is my husband’s and looks on me like a long and wide dress. 😛 I bent it and put it inside the front of my pants, and left it loose in the back. Resulted some nice volumes in the hip area. This is the great advantage of windbreaker materials: it allows beautiful volume compositions. That’s why I like it so much! But … that’s also: I love windbreakers, but I hate fizzle! 🙂 The background noise that accompanies you when you decide to dress in this material, is a heavy test rock for those with weak nerves … That’s an extra-curricular tip. 😉
I advise you to buy this spring, at least one long and fluffy cardigan, in pastel colors. It will prove to be an excellent choice for cool mornings and evenings, for office and car air conditioning. Mine is already 4 years old … :0 But it’s like a new one! The masculine cut pants are from Zara, but not from this year’s collection. They were very much in trend like 2 years ago and since they look great on me … I’ll continue to wear them. They have a fine salt and pepper print, that’s why the „waves” sensation in pictures. 🙂 Neither the „budapester” shoes are newly acquired, but … you can still find them through all the stores, exactly in pastel shades: blue, pale pink, colored light gray. They are very comfortable and ideal for working or going out for a walk in the city center.
I really like the shine of my windbreaker and the way it is framed by the fluffy, mat sweater. Combining different materials is a stylish artifice, that you can use whenever you want in an outfit. Ah, and if you decide to wear a maculin outfit, as I have done today, it is good to have a „very” feminine element in it … Whether it’s a heel, a deep and sexy decollete, or a very feminine hairstyle. If you are wearing a wet look, you need to have some heels and red lips to counterbalance the „testosterone” load of the outfit. 🙂 😛 Kiss you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
similar rain coat here
Tom Tailor fluffy cardigan, similar here
Zara pants, similar here
Il Passo shoes, similar here
similar hat here
Liu Jo sunglasses