
Selfie executat „la firul ierbii”
Evident, am gasit un motor galben… Dah!! 😉 🙂
Floare intre flori…. 🙂
Si in alb negru arat foarte bine… 😛

Yellow! (In loc de hello 😉 ). Da, o asemenea nuanta de galben poate fi echivalentul unui salut, caci nu ai cum sa treci neobservata purtand asa ceva. Este ca si cum ai avea pe tine o jacheta, pe care este imprimat de-o schioapa un HELLO zambitor. Cand mai esti si leu-paraleu precum subsemnata… iar galbenul reprezinta principala-ti culoare zodiacala, obtii efectul acela… „la soare te poti uita, dar la dansa, ba!” 🙂 Nu ma dau in vant dupa tinutele exagerat de colorate, dar uneori, pur si simplu imi place sa arat ca un camp de flori in luna lui Martie… 🙂 Si… daca stau bine sa ma gandesc, tinuta acestei postari nu este foarte colorata; accesoriile in schimb, sunt! Cu alte cuvinte, nu e musai sa purtam zeci de piese vestimentare in culori diferite, pentru a obtine o tinuta vesela. 😛

Va spuneam in articolul precedent, ca o sa va povestesc care-i treaba cu mine si sutienul; mai exact, cu lipsa acestuia. In primul rand, pentru a inlatura orice echivoc, cam toata viata mea am avut sanii mici, exceptie facand evident (!) perioadele de alaptare a „bebeilor” mei si anii aceia de liceu cand am cantarit peste 70 de kg.  🙂 Situatia de atunci era undeva la un B+, iar cea de acum se rezuma strict la un A. Si nu ca ar fi o diferenta de la cer la pamant, dar in special dupa perioadele de alaptare, schimbarea era atat de dramatica si trista, incat ajungeam in pragul disperarii si al depresiei. Sunt convinsa ca mamicile stiu la ce ma refer. Erau perioadele acelea cand imi cumparam sutiene cu burete triplu, acelea care arata ca niste implanuri… atat timp cat stai cu spatele foarte teapan, eventual fara sa dai aerul afara din piept…  si cat timp nu te apleci, feresca sfantul! 🙂 In toate celelalte situatii, intre pielea mea si uriasul burete acoperitor, aparea o groapa a Marianelor grotesca, ce facea ca intregul efort de a sta cu spatele drept, in pofida unei usoare cifoze si a unei scolioze destul de vizibile, sa devina inutil. Cel mai vehement in privinta acelor sutiene era sotul meu, parca il aud si in ziua de azi: „Anutza, scoate-ti prostiile alea, ca nu-ti stau bine deloc… Uite, s-a pierdut si centura de siguranta intre… si arati mai mult decat ciudat. ” Urmau crizele de nervi si de plans, in timpul carora il invinuiam pentru toate nefericirile si neimplinirile mele.. 🙂 Raspunsul lui era acelasi: „Eu te plac asa cum esti, oricum arati beton dupa doi copii si in plus, nu iti sta bine cu sanii atat de mari, crede-ma!” Eu: „Deci nu are rost sa deschid subiectul „implanuturi”, ca e in zadar…nu?” El: „Raspunsul de afla in intrebare”. 🙂
Am ajuns sa-l cred, dar cativa ani mai tarziu. 🙂 Nu pentru ca dintr-o data am inceput sa am incredere in simtul lui estetic (unul excelent se pare, pentru ca m-a luat pe mine de nevasta… 😉 😛 ), ci pentru ca l-am dezvoltat mult pe al meu.  Studiind reviste de moda, privind zilnic la Fashion TV, urmarind diverse stiri despre star-uri hollywood-iene (NU, nu stirile mondene de la noi!!!), am vazut ca in marea lor majoritate, modelele, actritele, moderatoarele si perzentatoarele TV nu au sanii mari, iar daca apeleaza la implanturi, acelea sunt de mici dimensiuni. Si am mai observat un lucru: toate cele enumerate mai sus nu poarta sutiene decat foarte rar si atunci opteaza pentru sutienele de tip bustiera, sau cele fara intaritura, din dantela sau bumbac.

Sa nu va imaginati ca am pus intr-o zi sutienele in cui si am iesit pe usa! Primul pas a fost facut cand m-am apucat temeinic de sport si am inlocuit sutienul cu bustiera. Practic, mergeam la sala cu bustiera pe mine si ajungeam cu ea pe mine inapoi acasa, unde o uitam… pana seara tarziu. Sportul a facut ca muschii mei pectorali sa se intareasca putin si automat sa ridice si sa stranga pielea sanului „agresat” de cei doi mancai. Asa ca, am inceput sa imi scot bustiera dupa antrenament si sa plec acasa fara nimic pe sub tricou, ca sa ma exprim „metaforic” 🙂 . Vreau sa va spun ca in timp, pe langa faptul ca sanii s-au marit usor (si nu stiu daca este din cauza sportului, a renuntarii la sutiene sau pur si simplu a varstei… 🙂 ), au si capatat un aspect chiar mai tineresc decat aveau inainte de cele doua sarcini. Iar eu am capatat mult mai multa incredere in mine! Cred ca acesta este principalul motiv pentru care am decis sa va povestesc toata tarasenia. Nu va incurajez sa renuntati la sutiene, Doamne fereste, dar din perspectiva femeii fara sani, care prin acest mic artificiu a ajuns sa se aprecieze si sa se priveasca cu multa incredere in oglinda, va zic ca este o alternativa la o operatie estetica, costisitoare si agresiva. Oricum, daca privim lucrurile logic, atat timp cat exista ceva care sustine greutatea sanului, pielea acestuia nu va avea de lucru si isi va pierde elasticitatea…iar o piele fara elasticitate are tendinta sa pice sub actiunea lui g (acceleratia gravitationala).  Problema reala apare vara, cand materialul subtire al bluzelor si tricourilor lasa sa se intrevada … cam tot. Eu optez atunci pentru bustiere din bumbac si maieuri decoltate, precum cele de mers la sala. Salveaza situatia cu brio.

Mama m-a avertizat ca timpul rezolva toate problemele vis a vis de acest aspect, dar nu prea am crezut-o, recunosc! Poate ar fi trebuit, caci tot ce mi-a zis vreodata in viata asta s-a adeverit intr-un fel sau in altul. 😉 Ii multumesc pe aceasta cale pentru rabdarea cu care imi demoleaza fiecare incertitudine, frica, stare anxioasa sau criza de ipohondrie (si sunt al naibii de dese, in special primavara!!). Si face acest lucru atat prin conversatii interminabile la telefon, cat si prin puterea exemplului personal. Sper sa demolez si eu cateva prejudecati in randul vostru… 😉 Va pup tare si apasat!


In the „Shadow world”. 🙂 Yellow!
No matter how I dress, there is a door in Timisoara, matching my outfit.
Make lemonade! 🙂
Let’s play! 😉

Yellow! (As in: hello! 😉 ). Yes, such a shade of yellow may be the equivalent of a greeting, because you can not go unnoticed when wearing something like this. It’s like having a jacket on you, that has a huge HELLO imprinted on each side. When you are also a „lionheart” as the undersigned … and yellow is your main zodiacal color, you get that effect … „like staring directly into the sun” 🙂 . I’m not crazy about over-colored outfits, but sometimes I just like to look like a field of flowers in the month of March … 🙂 And … if I look at my outfit with attention, it is not that colored after all; the accessories are! In other words, we do not have to wear dozens of different pieces of clothing in different colors to get a joyful composition… 😛

First of all, in order to remove any ambiguity, I have had little breasts all my life, except for the obvious (!) breastfeeding times and a few high school years, when I weighed over 140 pounds. 🙂 The situation at that time, was somewhere around B+…  and now it is strictly limited to A. And not that it  is a huge difference between them, but especially after breastfeeding, the change was so dramatic and sad, that I was on the verge of despair and depression. I’m sure all the mothers know what am I talking about. There were times, when I bought „triple sponge” bras, those that look like implants … but only as long as you keep your back straight, maybe even without exhaling…  🙂 In all the other situations, between my skin and the huge sponge, appeared a grotesque Mariana Trench, making the whole effort of sitting straight, useless. Well, it was good for my back problems… such as a minor kyphosis and a major scoliosis. 😉 The most vehement against those bras  was my husband. It’s like I hear him now: „Annie, take off that crap, it doesn’t look good on you … Look, you’ve lost the seatbelt between the two balloons  .. and that is more than weird.” Than followed my nervous breakdown and crying crises, during which I blamed him for all my misfortunes and misconceptions. 🙂 His answer was the same: ” I like you as you are, anyway you look amazing after two children, besides, very big breasts do not suit you, believe me! ” Me: „So it is pointless to open the subject „implats”, right?” Him: „The question contains the answear”. 🙂
I came to believe it, but a few years later. 🙂 Not because suddenly I started to trust his aesthetic sense (an excellent one btw, because he took me as his wife … 😉 :P), but because I developed one of my own. Studying fashion magazines, watching Fashion TV on a daily basis, watching various news about Hollywood stars (NO, not the ones from Romania!!!), I saw that most of them, models, actresses, moderators and TV hosts do not have big boobs… and that if they turn to implants, they choose small ones. And I noticed one thing: all of the ones listed above rarely weared any bras. If they had somenthing on, those were sports bras, cotton or simple lace lingerie.

Do not imagine that I nailed my bras on the wall and just walked out the door! The first step happened when I got seriously back into fitness and replaced my normal bras with sport bras.  Basically, I was going to the gym with one on and I was getting back home with it on, where I forgot to take it off … until late in the night. The sport made my pectoral muscles harden a little and automatically raised and tightened the skin of my breasts. So, I started taking my bustier off after training and going home without anything under my shirt, „metaphorically”  speaking 🙂 . I want to tell you that in time, besides the fact that the breasts have slightly grown (and I do not know if it is because of sports, giving up bras or simply because of aging … 🙂 ), they also look younger than they were looking before the two babies.  And I have gained much more confidence in myself! I think this is the main reason I decided to tell you about this. I do not encourage you to give up your bra, God forbid, but from a woman without curves perspective, who through this little artifice, has come to appreciate what the mirror shows her, I say it is an alternative to a costly and aggresive aesthetic surgery. However, if we look at things logically, as long as there is something supporting the weight of the breast, the skin looses the elasticity … and a skin without elasticity, tends to drop. Returning to the „no bra” policy, the real problem comes in summer time, when the thin material of the blues and jerseys let you see … almost everything. I choose then to mix cotton sport bras and oversized undershirts, like the ones you wear at the gym. This is a good solution for the summer situation…

My mom warned me that time solves all the problems, but I did not really think so, I admit it! Maybe I should have, because everything she ever told me in this life has come true in one way or another. I thank her for the patience with which she demolishes every uncertainty, fear, anxiety, or hypochondria crisis (and I’they’re many, especially in spring time!). And she does this both through endless conversations on the phone and by the power of personal example. I hope to demolish a few preconceived opinion among you too … 😉 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Marc Cain jacket, similar here

similar pants here

Fritzi aus Preußen bag, similar here

Skechers sport shoes, here

similar belt here

very cool shades here