Mai omuletilor, astia „care este” pe la TV si „compune” ei rubricile meteo cu atata aplomb si ingeniozitate… unde sfintii si apostolii, ca sunt fata bine crescuta si nu injur decat in baie cand curge apa la dush… 🙂 , ati vazut voi „caldura deosebita pentru aceasta perioada” in vestul si sud-vestul tarii? Ori poate s-a repozitionat Banatul si a uitat sa-si atentioneze bietii inhabitanti..? Mi-au inghetat astazi parti ale corpului de care nici nu eram constienta.. (cum ar fi urechea interna, apendicele, maseaua de minte, etc… ), iar incercarea mea de a poza frumos „pi shentru” minunata rochie verde, achizitie recenta… a esuat lamentabil, caci… rochia NU se zareste de straturile in care am incercat sa ma ascund, fara prea mare succes, de gerul frumoasei zile de luni.. Providenta a facut totusi ca minunatele mele manusi galbene sa fie in torpedoul masinii… si lasand la o parte faptul ca merg la fix cu ootd-ul ,mi-au facilitat manuirea telefonului si a aparatului foto pe parcursul imortalizarii… Totusi, pozele sunt facute de baietii mei. 😉 Dar, aparatul a fost de fiecare data pozitionat de mami.. caci in manutele lor mici si delicate, numitul, tremura ca „apucat” de Parkinson. (Nu iau in sens peiorativ aceasta boala, este o pura gluma si cer scuze anticipat celor pe care i-am jignit, daca…).
Una peste alta, imi asum 100% aceasta tinuta… pentru ca imi place. Asa, mai babeasca cum este ea… nu m-am simtit deloc „babificata” (citat Maurice Munteanu). M-a ajutat sa pacalesc frigul de astazi, iar asta e mare lucru. Va spuneam in articolul trecut ca nu prea detin paltoane… (apropos, am realizat ca am mintit…am 3 paltoane: cel camel, unul rosu pe care l-ati vazut in „All red” si cel negru lung de acum 3-4 postari). Dar, iarna prefer oricand genul de haina din actuala postare: haina tip cojoc. Acesta e un cojoc fals, adica nici blana nici pielea nu sunt veritabile… dar este o piesa chic, versatila, cu detalii deosebite. Da, vreau sa va rog sa fiti foarte atente la detalii cand va alegeti o haina. Poate fi ea cat de ieftina… daca are detalii frumoase, va arata poate mult mai stylish decat multe „scumpaciuni” de pe piata.
Rochia verde este absolut splendida si va promit ca voi face o postare 100% dedicata ei.., doar sa trecem de hop-ul cu gradele din termometre. Salul xxl este o mica patura „sub acoperire”… 🙂 , nu mai stiu de unde l-am achizitionat, dar… va jur, ca si cum ai pune plapuma pe tine… Genial!
Si pentru ca tot a fost o zi cum nu m-as fi asteptat, m-am accesorizat dupa norme astrologice si feng shui … Bratari cu elefanti cu trompe erecte, 3 la numar… si elefantii si bratarile… 🙂 , pandantiv de chihlimbar (sunt leu si este una dintre pieterele zodiei mele..) , aur si argint deopotriva. Manusile galbene fac tot deliciul tinutei si multumesc frumos creatorului care le-a croit dupa vrerea mea dubioasa.. Cine isi mai face manusi care sa semene cu cele de menaj?! 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!
Hey you, people „on TV” that have the simple task of „composing” weather sections with aplomb and ingenuity … for the sake of all the saint and apostles, that is because I am a well-behaved girl and do not swear outside a bathroom… and never without having the whater flowing in the shower … 🙂 , did you see „a great heat for this period” of the year in the west and southwest of the country? Or could the Banat be repositioned and forgot to warn the poor inhabitants ..? I’ve frozen parts of my body today, that I was not even aware of (such as the inner ear, the appendix, the wisdom tooth, etc …) and my attempt to catch the lovely green dress, a recent acquisition, walking gaciously through the city … failed, because … the dress does NOT show because of the layers I tried to hide myself in, without much success, from the frost of this beautiful Monday. However, providence made me find in the glove compartment, my wonderful yellow gloves … and leaving aside the fact that they look killer aside the „ootd”, they’ve helped me handle the phone and the camera during the immortalization … Still, the pictures are made by my boys. 😉 But the device was always positioned by mommy .. because in their small and delicate hands, the one named before…would have trembled as „touched” by Parkinson. (I do not take this illness in a pejorative sense, it is a pure joke and I apologize in advance to those I offended, if …).
Nevertheless, I am assuming this outfit 100%… because I like it. So „oldish” as it may look … I did not feel like a rag at all. It helped me in fooling a cold today, and that’s a big deal. I told you in the past article that I do not really have coats … (b.t.w I realized I lied … I have 3 coats: the camel one, a red one you’ve seen in „All red” and the long black one from 3-4 posts ago). But in the winter I always prefer the type of coat from the current post: jacket coat. This is a fake one, meaning neither fur nor skin are true … but it’s a chic, versatile piece with special details. Yes, I want you to be very careful about the details when you choose a coat. It can be as inexpensive … if it has beautiful details, it may look a lot more stylish than many „expensive” ones on the market.
The green dress is absolutely splendid, and I promise I will dedicate an article on my blog just to it, we must only surpass the hopper with the degrees in the thermometer. The xxl slawl is a small „undercover” blanket … 🙂 , I do not remember where I got it from, but … I swear, as if you put a warm coverlet on you … Genius!
And because it was a day I would not have anticipated, I got accessorized by astrological and feng shui rules … Elephant bracelets with erect trunks, 3 in number … the elephants and the bracelets … 🙂 , amber pendant (I am a lion and is one of my zodiac stones), gold and silver alike. The yellow gloves make all the difference for my outfit and many thanks to the creator, who has made them following my dubious wishes. Who’s making gloves to look alike the housekeeping ones?! 🙂 Kiss you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
Massimo Dutti dress
similar jacket-coat here
fur hat here
Otter boots, similar here
Salamander bag
Penti stockings
Hand Clothing gloves