
Ma uit la pozele acestea facute cu Diana acum doua saptamani si… nu-mi vine sa cred ca intre timp am slabit 3 kg. 🙂 Nu am vrut. Dar, fiind perioada de calatorii, concediu si distractie, orice noapte nedormita imi ia din greutate cu mana. Iar la ora actuala am o restanta de 5 nopti. Le-oi recupera la Timisoara, ca aici nu am nici o sansa. 🙁  (Sunt la Constanta, la parintii mei acasa.)
Unele dintre voi ma invidiati probabil pentru asta… Nu aveti de ce. 🙂 Nu e nici o placere sa vezi cum iti intra fundul si sanii la apa…. 🙂 😛
Mai are cineva aceasta problema? Sau sunt singura „ghinionista”? 😛

Sportul ma rezolva. Primul lucru cand ma intorc: refac abonamentul la sala. Al doilea: incep sa mananc mai serios. Al treilea: le repet pe primele doua. 😛 Imi doresc ca varsta de 40 de ani sa ma gaseasca in forma maxima. Si asa va fi, caci om mai incapatanat, mai capabil de disciplina si mai hotarat nu ati intalnit inca, va zic… 🙂


Am primit tot felul de complimente in ultima perioada si multumesc tuturor pentru ele. Va dati seama ca imi hranesc orgoliul intr-un mod nesperat. Inca putin… si capat complexe de superioritate!! 🙂 😛 Nu mi s-a intamplat nimic deosebit. Sunt doar in punctul in care am ajuns sa ma iubesc – eu pe mine – iar acest lucru a reprezentat punctul de sprijin pentru o intreaga stramutare de evenimente, energii si trairi. Simt acest lucru in fiecare secunda. Si-l doresc tuturor, pentru ca este demential.

Promovez #femeiala40deani. Si abia am inceput. Trebuie sa aiba loc o schimbare de mentalitati. Este musai! Trebuie sa scoatem fiintele acestea din bucatarii, bai, birouri, hale, din gradini, studiouri, conace sau din ferme,  si sa le redam strazii in toata splendoarea lor. Frumoase, distinse, dichisite, cu usor parfum de „desuet” si cu zambete complice. Imi propun sa le fac vedete pe al meu blog. 🙂 Am cateva strategii, vedem daca vor functiona. Si… sa nu va imaginati ca voi face discriminari. Toate formele, culorile, aromele. „Diversitatea fructelor, sanatatea organismului.” 😛
Suna a proiect misto, nu?

Tinuta, desi nu este specifica unei femei de 40 de ani, poate deveni! Pentru ca facem sport, marea noastra majoritate, pentru ca avem grija ce mancam, pentru ca ne ingrijim. Ce ne impiedica sa iesim asa pe strada? Mentalitatea. A… pai are copii, cum sa poarte arat de scurt?? A… pai nu se uita in buletin?! A… uite-o si pe aia: din spate liceu, din fata muzeu…
Si vreti sa stiti cine sunt cei mai aprigi critici? Alte femei, fix de varsta lor! Persoanele tinere le privesc cu admiratie, iar cele mai in varsta cu o usoara nostalgie.
Nu stiu daca este adevar absolut, mie asta mi se intampla. Si asta vreau sa combat. In loc sa te strambi la mine, mai bine faci ca mine! 😉
Scopul este .. to never cease to amaze! 😛


I’m looking at these pictures taken by Diana two weeks ago and … I can not believe that meanwhile I lost 3 kg. 🙂 I did not want that at all! But, the travel, vacation and parties… any sleepless night takes off my weight „by hand”. And now I have a five-night break already. I will recover in Timisoara, because here I have no chance. 🙁 (I’m in Constanta, at my parents home.)
Some of you probably envie me for this … There’s no reason to do so, darlings. 🙂 It’s no pleasure to see your ass and breasts shrink…  🙂 😛
Does anyone have this problem? Or am I the only „unlucky” one? 😛

Sports can solve my problem. The first thing I will do when I get back to Timisoara: pay the fitness subscription. Second: I start eating more, but healthier. Third: I repeat the first two. 😛 I want my 40th Birthday next month to find me in best shape. And so it will be, for a more stubborn, more capable of discipline and more determined individual, you have not met yet. 🙂

I have received all sorts of compliments lately and I thank everyone for them. You realize they feed my pride in an indecent manner. A little more of this … and I will end up with a  superiority complex!! 🙂 😛 Nothing special happened to me. I am just in the point where I came to love myself – me loving myself – and this was the point of support for a whole shift of events, energies and living. I feel this every second. And I wish you all expecience it, because it is unbelievable.

I’m promoting #the40yearsoldwomen. And I just started. There must be a change of mentality. It’s imperative! We have to take these beings out of the kitchens, bathrooms, offices, halls, gardens, studios, mansions or farms, and expose them in all their splendor. Beautiful, distinguished, delicate, with an easy „outdated” perfume and promising smiles. I intend to make them stars on my blog. 🙂 I have some strategies, we see if they will work. And … don’t imagine that I will discriminate. All shapes, colors and flavors. „Fruit diversity – health to the body.” 😛
Sounds cool, right?

The outfit, although not specific to a 40-year-old woman, can become one! Because we make sports, our great majority at least, because we care about what we eat, because we care about ourselves. What prevents us from going out this way in the street? Mentality. A … she has children, how can she wear such short pants? Well … is she not looking into her ID?! A … look at that one: high school from behind, museum from front … (romanian saying…)
And you want to know who the most fierce critics are? Other women of 40 years of age! Young people look at them with admiration, and the older ones with a slight nostalgia.
I do not know if it’s an absolute truth, but this shit is  happening to me every day. And that’s what I want to fight. Instead of staring at me, copy me! 😉
The goal is .. never ceasing to amaze! 😛

photos by HD Photography

I was wearing

Camel Active men’s shirt

Chopar sports bodysuit

Pura Lopez vintage shoes

Armani Jeans bag