
La multi ani Romania!!
Sirena urbana… 🙂
Ea e mult mai bine imbracata ca mine…
Al treilea picior 🙂
Dansezi cu mine?

Este al doilea articol in care folosesc minunatiile de pantaloni cu volane BSB Fashion. Spre rusinea mea, in ambele articole i-am combinat cu un corset din denim, diferenta fiind data doar de coloristica. Va dati seama ca nu am vrut sa execut aceasta dubla, dar se pare ca denimul este, in acceptia mea, cel mai potrivit material pentru acesti pantaloni… Lasand la o parte calitatea net superiora a fotografiilor de azi, voua care varianta va place mai mult? Prin comparatie, puteti vedea cum aceeasi pereche de pantaloni poate fi integrata atat in tinute de zi, cat si in tinute de seara… 🙂


Despre Timfloralis ar fi multe de spus, dar voi lasa specialistii sa faca acest lucru in locul meu. Eu nu ma pricep la flori. Deloc! Mai mult decat atat, am talentul sa omor orice floare ce-mi calca pragul casei… 🙁 Singurii care rezista „in mana mea” sunt cactusii. No comment. Ceea ce pot insa sa va transmit, din punctul de vedere al blogger-ului de moda si stil, este ca anual acest festival devine din ce in ce mai inspirational, mai inedit si mai memorabil. Am toata admiratia pentru floristii, artistii, creatorii, inovatorii care realizeaza aceste opere de arta urbana. Draga Mama Natura, nu te supara pe mine, dar prin operele lor, acesti oameni reusesc sa te eclipseze chiar si pe tine, creatorul in starea lui pura, primordiala. Aici pot starni polemici cu iz teologic, dar sper ca toata lumea intelege ce vreau sa transmit. Stiti ca daca festivalul Timfloralis s-ar fi tinut intr-un parc timisorean, caci sunt multe, impactul acestuia ar fi fost simtitor diminuat? Timfloralis este ceea ce este, pentru ca are loc in decor faurit de mana omului: centrul istoric al Timisoarei. Printre cladiri, pe pavajul pietonalei, pe peretii monumentelor arhitecturale, in piete, aici ii sade bine acestui festival. 🙂

Am fost ieri impreuna cu baietii mei sa vedem exponatele, noi si o mare de alti oameni… 🙂 Am observat ca toti erau imbracati ca de sarbatoare: femeile cu rochite dantelate, inflorate, din organza, tiul, panza sau matase, iar domnii cu camasi, pantaloni scurti eleganti, pantofi asortati si freze proaspat faurite. Oamenii isi faceau selfie-uri, se aranjau, repetau pozele pana la obtinerea celei „perfecte”, totul era „pe repeat”, dar nimeni nu parea stresat sau grabit. De n-ar fi fost 32 de grade Celsius la orele 18 (va imaginati cum era la ora 12…)  si un cer fara pic de norisor, totul ar fi fost perfect! Noi ne-am putut ascunde prin cotloane umbrite, dar sarmanele flori au fost nevoite sa ramana fabuloase in arsita dogoritoare, nespecifica lunii lui aprilie. Referitor la acest aspect, jos palaria in fata organizatorilor, care s-au ingrijit de frumoase, le-au stropit, le-au coafat si le-au „masat”… pentru a resuscita „situatiile” ofilite pe alocuri de „cuptorul” acestei primaveri ciudate. Cam multe ghilimele nu-i asa? 😛 Ma simt foarte metaforica in aceasta frumoasa dupa-amiaza de duminica… oare ce stare imi va aduce lasarea intunericului?! 🙂 😉

Timfloralis 2018 va mai exista cateva ore. Daca nu ati apucat sa ajungeti in centru orasului 😮 , va sfatuiesc sa o faceti, macar in ultimul ceas. Daca nu, faceti legamant ca in 2019 veti fi primii vizitatori! 🙂 Oricum, „cerul” de umbrele colorate (realizat de Noi Re-Cream), va mai ramane alaturi de noi ceva vreme. Sa incercam sa nu le ratam! Va pup tare si apasat. :*


Blending in 😉
100% romanian woman
Another brick in the wall
I just love this morning light!
Trying to hit the beautiful ground 🙂

It’s the second article when I use those wonderful BSB Fashion statement pants. To my shame, in both articles I combined them with a denim corset, the difference being given only by the color. You realize I did not want to run this race twice, but it seems that  denim is, in my opinion, the most suitable material for these pants … Leaving aside the superior quality of the pictures today, which one you like more? By comparison, you can see how the same pair of pants can be integrated in both day and evening outfits … 🙂

About Timfloralis there are so many things to be said, but I will let the specialists do this for me. I’m not good at flowers. Not at all! Moreover, I have the talent to kill any flower that has the misfortune to cross my threshold… 🙁 The only ones that resist „in my hands” are the cactuses. No comment. But, what can I tell you from the point of view of the fashion and style blogger, is that every year, this festival is becoming more and more inspiring, original and  memorable. I have all the admiration for the florists, artists, creators, and innovators who make these urban artworks. Dear Mother Nature, please forgive me, but through their works, these people manage to eclipse you, the creator in his pure, primordial state. Here I may start polemics with theological fragrance, but I hope everyone understands what am I trying to transmit. Do you know that if Timfloralis festival had been held in a Timisoara park, because there are many, its impact would have been diminished considerably? Timfloralis is what it is, because it takes place in a man-made scenario: the old center of Timisoara. Among buildings, on the pedestrian way’s pavement, on the walls of architectural monuments, in the markets, here sits best this festival . 🙂

I was yesterday with my boys to see the exhibits, us and a lot of other people … 🙂 I noticed that everyone was dressed as for a celebration: women were in lacy, blooming, organza, tulle, canvas or silk dresses and the guys had shirts, elegant shorts, matching shoes and freshly made haircuts. People took selfies, arranged themselves, repeated the pictures till the „perfect” one emerged, everything was „on repeat”, but no one seemed stressed or in a hurry. If outside wouldn’t have been 32 degrees Celsius at 18 o’clock (imagine how it was at 12 o’clock …) and a sky without even the smallest trace of clouds, everything would have been perfect! We, the people, could hide from this scorching heat, but the beautiful ones were forced to remain fabulous in this gruesome burning, not specific to April. Regarding this aspect, down the hat for the organizers, that took care of the splendid little ones, splashed them, „dressed” them and „massaged” them … to resuscitate the „wilted” situations, in the „furnace” of this strange spring. A lot of quotation mark, are they not? 😛 I feel very metaphorical on this beautiful Sunday afternoon … which got me thinking, about the kind of state I will reach as the sun goes down…  🙂 😉

Timfloralis 2018 will exist several more hours. If you did not get to the city center yet :o, I advise you to do it, at least in the last hour. If not, make an oath that in the 2019th edition, you will be it’s first visitor! 🙂 Anyway, the „sky” of colored umbrellas (made by Noi Re-Cream) will remain with us for a while. Let’s try not to miss them! YKiss you all loud and pressed! :*

I am wearing

BSB Fashion pants, something similar here

and here

Armani Jeans denim corset

Boom Boom Jeans jacket here

Marni iconic platform shoes

H&M earrings

Photos by Handra Diana