Postarea acestei zile este o metafora. M-am luptat cu o zi de luni mizerabila. Probabil multi am avut o zi de luni mizerabila la un moment dat in viata noastra (numai una??!!), deci e cazul sa ies din melancolia de lamentare blegoasa in care sunt, sa beau o Leffe si sa privesc minunatele poze ale shooting-ului de azi. Nu stiu de ce, dar mie mi se pare ca evoluam, Elena si cu mine. Suntem inca la abecedarul relatiei noastre, pana sa scriem poeme mai este cale lunga. 🙂 Incepem insa ca ne dezmortim, sa capatam curaj. Nu este usor sa te dezinhibi in fata unui cvasinecunoscut, referindu-ma acum atat la mine cat si la ea. Stiti ca imi vorbeste cu „dumneavoastra”??!!! Ce-i drept, nu o pot invinovati… am fix dublul varstei ei!  🙂 😛  Sunt zen, nu va agitati… oricum nimeni nu imi da anii pe care ii duc. 🙂
Ador gecile astea din denim sfasiat care se gasesc in aceasta perioada la toate magazinele din toate mall-urile. Literalmente, e o invazie! Si pe toate gusturile! Fie simple, fie lungi pana la jumatatea pulpei, sa le poti purta ca rochie… fie cu aplicatii florale, fie cu paiete, sunt la moda si moda e cu ele. Eu mi-am ales una neagra pentru ca tot ce am vazut in rest era in culori mult mai deschise, iar ideea de „uniforma” nu ma incanta foarte tare. E cumparata din Germania si regret nespus ca nu va pot da un link catre Ea… dar, repet… plaja de ripped-denim din mall-urile noastre este extrem de bine aspectata. 🙂 Va invit la cumparaturi!
Si cum altfel sa te imbraci intr-o cenusie zi de luni, intr-o lugubra luna mai, decat cu haine sfasiate? Sfasiate precum se simte sufletul tau uneori.. ( v-am zis, am avut o zi proasta dragul meu trib, suportati-ma!) Ma imbracam astazi pentru acest shooting si am concis ca am nevoie urgenta de ceva care sa contrabalanseze platitudinea stilistica cu radacini adanci in profunda mea nemultumire de sine, asa ca m-am inflorat. 🙂 Am uitat cum se numesc florile!! Mi-a spus florareasa din Piata 700 cum se numesc, am repetat pana acasa cuvantul si l-am uitat in clipa in care am deschis usa casei. Inca astept momentul ala cand amintirea denumirii ma va izbi si ma va face sa modific ce tocmai am scris in aceste randuri… dar se pare ca, ziua de azi e proasta pana la capat. 🙂 Poate ma lumineaza cineva intr-un comment, ce ziceti? Sa-mi curmati „suferinta”, nu de alta… 😛
Nu sunt prima care se gandeste sa-si coasa flori naturale pe geaca din denim. Un simplu search pe Google va aduce multe imagini graitoare. Poate la mine este doar usor diferita motivatia: mi-am amintit azi de o replica din filmul de desene animate „Mulan” (cand ai copii, ajungi sa stii pe de rost anumite pelicule animate…) – „O floare care infloreste in adversitate este mai frumoasa ca toate celelalte.” Imi place sa ma cred „floarea” cu pricina… probabil chiar sunt. 🙂 Asa ca aceste minunate floricele albe, care seamana cu trandafirii dar nu sunt… „se nasc” parca din denimul meu sfasiat. Ele spun o poveste. A multora. 🙂
Azi e cu metafore dragile mele. Pup la voi tare si apasat! 🙂
The post of today is a metaphor.  I have been fighting a miserable Monday. Everybody had one of those in a lifetime (only one??!!), so it’s time to get out of the melancholy of bleeding lamentation I am in, to drink a Leffe and watch the wonderful pictures of today’s shooting. I do not know why, but it seems to me that we are evolving, Elena and I. We are still at the alphabet of our relationship, until writing poems is a long way. 🙂 But we start to get a revival, to get courage. It is not easy to untie yourself in front of a quasi-known one, referring now to both me and her. Do you know she calls me „madame”??!!! Well, I cannot blame her, I am twice her age !  🙂 😛 I’m zen, you will not be agitated … anyway, no one gives me the years I’m carrying. 🙂
I love these ripped denim jackets that are found in this period at all the stores in all the malls. Literally, it’s an invasion! And they are for all tastes! Either simple or long to the middle of the pulp, so you can wear them like a dress … either with floral applications or with sequins, they are all are fashionable and fashion is with them. I chosed a black one because everything I saw in the rest was much lighter, and the idea of „uniform” does not delight me very much. It is bought from Germany and I’m so sorry I can not give you a link to It … but, I repeat … the „ripped-denim” is very well supplied at our malls.  🙂 I invite you to shop!
And what else would you wear on a gray Monday day, in a lugubre month of May, than torn clothes? Torn as your soul sometimes feels like .. (I told you, I had a bad day my dear tribe, bear me!) As I dressed for this shooting today, I concised I urgently need something to counterbalance the stylistic platitude with deep roots in my profound self-dissatisfaction, so I flourished. 🙂 I forgot the names of those flowers!! The florist from „Piata 700” told me the name, I repeted the name till I got home, and was gone by the time I opened the door to my house… I still wait for the moment when the memory of the name will strike me and it will make me change what I just wrote in these lines … but it seems that today is bad to the end. 🙂 Enlighten me in a comment, will you?? End my suffering please… 😛
I’m not the first to think of stitching natural flowers on the denim jacket. A simple search on Google will bring you great images. Maybe mine have a slightly different motivation: I reminded myself today of a replica of the „Mulan” cartoon movie (when you have children, you get to know some animated films …) – „A flower that blooms in Adversity is the most beautiful of them all”.  I like to think I am this „flower” because … I probably am. 🙂 So these lovely white poppies, which look like roses but are not … look like they „are born” out of my torn denim. They say a story. Of many. 🙂
Today, my dearest, was with metaphors.  Kiss you all loud and pressed! 🙂
I am wearing
TK Maxx ripped denim jacket
Stradivarius ripped jeans
Bershka „cherry” T-Shirt – go get it!
Estel bag (was a gift)
vintage shoes
Photos by Elena Borcan