Am decis sa schimb putin aspectul blogului. Ma gandesc in mod serios ca multe dintre voi isi pierd rabdarea citind alambicatele mele scrieri si inchid articolul inainte de a vedea pozele aferente. 🙂 Spun asta pentru ca si mie mi se intampla acelasi lucru cu alte bloguri surate.
Cu putin noroc, este ultima tinuta din iarna lui 2017 pe care v-o propun. M-am grabit sa scriu astazi articolul, pentru ca afara nu mai este zapada aproape deloc, conditie in care, pozele si tinuta in sine par absurde. Intre noi fie vorba, nu sunt imbracata chiar atat de gros… 😉 iar o combinatie de acest gen merge pana la 12-13 grade Celsius fara probleme. Ce am vrut sa punctez cu aceasta tinuta? Faptul ca nu este gresit sa combinam mai multe stiluri vestimentare in acelasi look. Mai exact, vorbesc despre tinuta eclectica. Port pantaloni model sport, cizme chic-elegante, pulover „de munte”, geanta de club, camasa „varatica”, palarie si haina dintr-o zona casual-elegant, iar rezultatul este cat se poate de armonios! Intr-un asemenea exercitiu stilistic trebuie sa avem in vedere cateva elemente esentiale, de bun simt: compozitie coloristica placuta, materiale pe cat de diferite, pe atat de potrivite… si o oarecare armonie volumetrica. Nu va fie frica sa experimentati! Daca nu va place rezultatul, schimbati o piesa sau doua si priviti-va din nou in oglinda.
Aceasta tinuta m-a invatat un concept nou: pantalonii model sport merg foarte bine cu o pereche de cizme inalte, dar largi pe picior! Nu m-as fi asteptat la asta, va spun sincer. Pantaloni largi bagati in cizma…Foarte tare! 🙂 Imi iertati exprimarea „saraca”, dar cuvintele sunt de prisos… e suficient sa vedeti pozele. Ii am de acum 2 ani de la Zara si am avut grija sa imi cumpar doua perechi. 😉 Acestia sunt perechea numarul 2… caci primii au cam decedat. Palaria si geanta sunt achizitionate la ultimul Fashion Swap la care am participat. Camasa galbena cu trena este tot de acum 2 ani de la Magazinul Muse din Kapa Center. Muse si Up! sunt cele mai faine magazine ale acestui centru comercial, credeti-ma pe cuvant! Gasim acolo tinute de club, de zi, de ocazie cat si casual… iar preturile sunt mai mult decat accesibile. Imi doresc foarte tare sa colaborez cu ei… 🙂 😉 pentru ca imi plac hainele, dar momentan nu cred ca intrunesc conditiile de minima audienta. 😛 Haideti dragelor, ajutati-ma cu asta! Daca va place munca mea, share-uiti-ma… (cand se intalnesc limbile romana si engleza… Doamne ajuta! 🙂 ).
Imi plac pozele si imi place mult si tinuta de azi. Consider ca am fost inspirata si ca stilul eclectic mi se potriveste foarte bine. Voi aprofunda acest lucru… dar voi veti fi cezarul care va da verdictul: „thumbs up” sau „thumbs down”. Pana una alta, imi doresc sa dau un „thumbs up” vremii de afara… si nu imi iese deloc! Poate daca ne concentram toate… si ne visam in culori… ne-o lovi si pe noi mult asteptata „astenie de primavara” ! 😛 Fac putin haz de necaz, caci pentru mine primavara este un prilej constant de a cumpara Claritine, Aerius, Ventolin, minerale la punga, etc… 🙂 Stie vreuna dintre voi la ce ma refer? 🙁 😉 Haideti ca nu e asa rau… Pe langa cele enumerate mai sus, cumparam si fustite, rochite, sacouri, peep-toes, „flocirele”, gentute colorate, esarfe de matase si multe alte minunatii d-acestea. Va pup tare si apasat! Ah, e mai ok cu pozele in fata articolului sau revin la forma consacrata? 😛
I decided to change the look of the blog. I seriously think that many of you are losing patience reading my long and high-flown texts… and close the article before seeing the pictures. 🙂 I say this, because it’s the same for me with other similar blogs.
With a bit of luck, this is the last outfit from the winter of 2017, that I propose to you. I rushed to write the article today, because there is no snow anymore, a fact that makes the pictures and the outfit itself, look absurd. To be honest, the clothes are not so thick …;) and such a combo works for up to 12-13 degrees Celsius without any problem. What was I „fishing” for with this outfit? The fact that it is not wrong to combine several fashion styles in the same look. More specifically, I’m talking about the eclectic attire. Sporty pants, chic-elegant boots, mountain sweater, club bag, „summerish” shirt, casual hat and coat… the result being as harmonious as possible! In such a stylistic exercise we have to consider some essential elements, of common sense: pleasant color composition, different materials but ones that can well coexist , as well as a volumetric harmony. Do not be afraid to experience! If you do not like the result, change a piece or two and look in the mirror again.
This outfit taught me a new concept: sporty pants look very stylish to a pair of tall, wide on the leg boots! I would have not expected that, to be honest. Big pants in big boot … Crazy! 🙂 Please forgive the „poor” language, but words are meaningless … it’s enough to see the pictures. The Zara pants are two years old. I was cautious and I bought two pairs. 😉 This is pair number two … because the first one „died” along the way. The hat and bag are purchased at the latest Fashion Swap that I attended. The yello”long-back” shirt is also from 2 years ago… and bought at Muse Shop in Kapa Center. In my opinion, Muse and Up! are the finest shops one can find in this shopping center. We find clothes for clubbing nights, daytime casual, special occasions and days at the office … and prices are more than affordable. I wish to collaborate with them … 🙂 😉 because I like the clothes, but at the moment I do not think I meet the minimum audience conditions. 😛 Dear readers, help me with this! If you like my work, share me … 🙂
I like the pictures and I love my outfit today. I think I was inspired and I am sure the eclectic style suits me well. I will deepen this further … but you have to be my Caesar and give the verdict: „thumbs up” or „thumbs down”. For now, I just want to give a „thumbs up” to the weather outside … but no matter how hard I try, I fail. Maybe if we all focus … and we dream ourselves in colors … the much-awaited „spring asthenia” will come! 😛 I am saying this half-voiced, because for me the spring is a constant „opportunity” to buy Claritine, Aerius, Ventolin, minerals in little bags, etc … 🙂 Does any of you know what I mean? 🙁 😉 Come on, it’s not that bad … Besides the ones listed above, we also buy little skirts, dresses, jackets, peep-toes, flowers, silk scarves and many other wonderful things. Kiss you all loud and pressed! Ah, is it okay with the pictures in front of the article, or shall I go back to the consecrated form? 😛
I am wearing
Zara pants, you may find similar in the actual collection, but in darker colors
similar sweater here
bag and hat from Fashion Swap Timisoara
similar coat here
Ovye by Cristina Lucchi boots, some very stylish and suitable here